
Sanction's on Russia, will cripple Russia if the world speaks, So is this issue of Georgia worth getting into?

by Guest57439  |  earlier

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Sanction's on Russia, will cripple Russia if the world speaks, So is this issue of Georgia worth getting into?




  1. I think Russia is taking a big risk right now.  But they do have an ace up their sleeve.   Its called oil.  They supply most of Europe. If they shut off the supply Europe will be in a lot of trouble.  

  2. Russia is not a third world country that can be hurt by denying it the basic needs of life- they already have that- and they also have the largest known reservoirs of oil in the world, larger then the Saudi's.They  could put a sanction on the rest of the world, especially Europe, that would bring them to their knees.There will be no sanctions against Russia.

  3. What sanction you are talking about? Do you really think that Russia is aggressor? Georgia is the real problem! They killed more than 3000 people of South Ossetia. Georgia say to Russia "We won't attack you, we're going home", and at the same time it kills people. Do you know about the capital of South Ossetia? There is no this city anymore, it was destroyed by Georgia!  

  4. Sanctions won't cripple Russia. Sanctions barely even cripple small countries with few resources (witness Cuba) so to suggest the West can do enough to disrupt Russia is to believe in power that simply does not exist.

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