
Sanctity of only some life, not all?

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I just saw a question on here about abortion and the pro-life "sanctity of life" people told the woman to go and kill herself?

That's really hypocritical, isn't it?




  1. not all prolife people are like that.

    just like not all pro abortion people are the same.

    you cant paint everyone with the same brush

  2. No it's not hyprocritical it still only HER right to choose

  3. That is so...wrong. The woman was asking a question and she deserves for people to answer in a civilized way. If people don't agree with her viewpoint, they of course have the right to make that clear, but there is a nice way to say it and a horrible way to say it. Do these people really think that they will win the person over this way? They just alienate and anger the person- and rightfully so, nobody deserves to be talked to like that, especially on a place like YA. This woman is a human life too.

    A woman considering abortion is probably experiencing one of the most heart-wrenching, stressful experiences of her life. If you tell the wrong person at the wrong time something as hateful as "go and kill yourself", they just might. Now they have contributed to the extinguishing of a human life.

    That kind of goes against their cause, I agree with you.  

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