
Sandpaper Cu wire until coating is removed, heat at blue flame until red hot. cool&examine, chemical equation?

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Sandpaper Cu wire until coating is removed, heat at blue flame until red hot. cool&examine, chemical equation?




  1. The hot copper will be oxidized by air.  You should observe a black coating on the copper wire.  Copper actually has two oxides, black CuO (cupric oxide, copper(II) oxide) and brown/red Cu2O (cuprous oxide, copper(I) oxide).  The CuO layer is flaky, and can be rubbed off.  The metal underneath should be a dull copper color - this indicates that a coating of Cu2O is also present (this adheres well to the copper surface).

    The equations are:

    4Cu + O2 -----> 2Cu2O

    Presumably the CuO is formed by oxidation of Cu2O, not Cu metal:

    2Cu2O + O2 -----> 4CuO

    The net equation for copper oxidizing to CuO would thus be:

    2Cu + O2 -----> 2CuO

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