
Sansa SanDisk Mp3 Player?

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My brother gave me his Sansa SanDisk Mp3 player to try and fix it for him so I don't know much but appearantly there is a problem with the memory on it. He said you're not supposed to upload videos & music on it at the same time and he did that and now it isn't working right but I don't have a users manual or anything like that here. So is there a way to reset it back to it's original state or any other way I could fix it? thanks.




  1. Can you reformat the memory?  I don't know if that'll fix your problem since it could be an operating-system issue, but it's worth a shot if it's totally not working the way it is.

    I did that on an old player I had a few years ago that I'd pretty much given up for dead, and it works fine now. . . although that still didn't somehow magically make it any bigger than the 256 MB it's always been.

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