I am a Full Time Employee. I am interested in learning Sanskrit.
I have learnt Sanskrit in school in 8th, 9 th and 10th Std. I found this is very interesting to learn. I wanted to continue learning of Sanskrit but due to Engineering, it was not possible for me that time.
I have visited http://www.mu.ac.in/Department/sanskrit.html site.
I have following queries.
1) Since there is so many year's gap, I will like to complete the Diploma in Sanskrit (Part-Time) course. I need more information about the same,
I will require timings, fee structure, course commencement date etc.
2) If I successfully complete the Diploma in Sanskrit , the will I be eligible for appearing Ph.D. Degree in Sanskrit?
3) Does the University has the facility of distance or correspondence learning in Diploma in Sanskrit course?
Apart from the Mumbai university, is there any other institute teaches the Sanskrit ?
If anyone has learnt Sanskrit in Mumbai, Please let me know ur views and experience.