
Santa Barbara ISLAND?!?

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I am doing a research project about Santa Barbara Island. What do you guys know about it especially concerning wildlife? I need to know about the herbivores, omnivores, carnivores, top predators, and native producers on the island and I was just wondering what you guys knew. Or i you guys have any good websites for me to look at that would be great if you could post the URLs.




  1. Santa Barbara Island is home to a large sea lion rookery and seabird nesting colonies. It is also home to the largest breeding colony for Xantus's Murrelet, a threatened seabird species. Xantus's murrelet is listed as vulnurable, because so much of their breeding takes place on such a small and isolated island.

    Santa Barbara Island live-forever (Dudleya traskiae) is a succulent plant endemic to the island.

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