
Santa Clause............?

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You know how santa (yeah i know he isnt real lol). well, you know how we get presents on christmas day...well christmas day is about christ...therefore only christians would have christmas...because it is about christ being born... anyway, santa is in the whole package of christmas day so non christians dont have santa?

is that right?!

lol because we just get loads of presents and stuff that we want...for nothing lol just because of 'santa' non christians wouldnt get pointless presents from him...??! lol i think...

last christmas, because i was older (i was 13) , my mum just told me to go to my room so she could put out the presents lol she knew i didnt believe in him since years ago but she still played along with the santa thing

but the atmosphere was always better on christmas day when i did believe in santa lmao




  1. Wow, a lot of people are having problems answering a simple question.  Yes, many non-Christians have Santa.  With the commercialization of Christmas, the real meaning is getting left behind and many non-Christians celebrate it as more of a gift-giving holiday than a holiday about Christ.  I know several agnostics and atheists who have Santa come and visit their houses because they think it is a cute tradition for their kids.  They don't teach anything about Jesus to their kids - they just use the Santa story to have an excuse to exchange gifts.

  2. nope they dont have santa, cause it ties in with christmas.

    i mean, he appears ON christmas, so it wouldnt really work out lol.

  3. I'm trying to find the question here but I'm not having much luck...maybe this is a question for mum.

  4. . Jesus taught that it’s better to give than to get. The Santa Claus myth teaches that getting takes first place: if you’re good you’ll get, if you’re bad you won’t.

    Why Do They Celebrate December 25?

    PERHAPS the most natural response to that question is: “Because it is the day Jesus was born.” But no one seriously claims that Jesus was born on December 25. In fact, it is quite evident that he was not born in December. Though the actual date of Jesus’ birth is not known, the fact that the shepherds were spending the night in the fields would eliminate December. The autumn would be a much more logical time.

    Many people will say: “Since we do not know when he was born, one day is as good as the other, just as long as we celebrate his birth.” However, that is not true either, as we shall see.

    The celebration of Christmas is not as old as you might think. It does not go back to the time of Jesus, his apostles and disciples. The writers of the Sacred Scriptures never mentioned the date of the birth of Jesus, though they obviously could have known it. What they do state is the date of Jesus’ death. That date is specific—the fourteenth day of the Jewish month Nisan. Jesus commanded his disciples to celebrate that date, but neither Jesus nor his apostles nor his disciples ever mention celebrating the date of his birth. Auguste Hollard truthfully says in Les Origines des Fêtes Chrétiennes: “The first Christians did not even have the idea of celebrating the anniversary of the birth of Jesus: the anniversary of his death interested them much more, as well as that of his resurrection, that is to say of his victory over death.”

    So in reality True Christians Don't celebrate christmas

  5. santa is myth

  6. well i am a muslim and i live in egypt ,,, but i still get a tree , may be not presents, but i believe in the christ 2 , and so does all muslims, so we celebrate :D:D bec our Christian friends do and bec we are looking for an excuse to celebrate,,, but we don't have a santa:D

  7. I'm a Christian and I used to believe Santa was real. Every Christian at my church has believed in Santa and even has Santa's around their home around Christmas time. So I guess to say we do have Santa and Christ.

  8. I am not really sure what your asking, but I am a christian and my parents never enforced the santa thing, but I did believe in him, and my parents also do the same thing about sending me away to put the presents out.  But Santa Claus came to be from a saint who used to give aways money, and he had to go down a chimney one time.  I am not sure how accurate my story is, but just go to wikipedia and look up santa claus

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