Is this a Bad Pick or Good Pick? Well, for me it was a "Bad" Pick...
McCain has the female base, now?....
Does Mccain think this stuff through, IM not quite sure he does? Lets face it he doesn't. OK, Let's add a woman (Palin) to the ticket. We can grab those Hillary voters for sure now. McCain "assuming" that just because a woman is on the ticket that he is going be able to get that vote, because of this move. IM sure that women will not vote for a woman just because she on the ticket. Women don't vote on the gender as the Mccain camp would like you to believe. If women did vote on gender, then what was the big issue over rumors Obama picking a female senator from Kansas, that was not Hillary. The women hated it. See my point?
McCain's thought process?....
What about the problems, and the forseen-bagage that came along with this pick? I don't think McCain gave any credence to that thought. Seeing as the Hillary voters was only thing on McCain's mind, he didn't give any thought beyond that. I can see that McCain doesn't think long term when picking a Vice president. What was one thing McCain hammered again and again? It was the "experience" issue. So they pick Sara Palin. "Opps." She has considerably less experience then Obama. But I guess McCain forgot about that "issue" didn't he?
You would assume that McCain wouldn't want a pick that could bring "controversy" to the table for the McCain campaign. Well, she does bring "controversy" to the table. It looks to be a another big fault by McCain, in choosing Palin as a Vice president. Lets not worry though because "I" McCain will have that female vote that wouldn't vote for Obama come this fall.
What about the picking "a" Vice President for a state? That would be a smater move on Mccain's part. His pick wasn't though. McCain didn't see a state strategy as working? Palin doesn't help him in this department at all. I assumed he would want to fight for every state he could win. Tom Ridge and Pennsylvania Vs Biden and Pennsylvania there is a battle for that state.
There is my rant.