
Sara Palin has a 4 month old baby, how can she bond with the baby and be Vice President of The USA?

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Why isn't this child abuse?




  1. What a ridiculous question!

    Many women with high flying careers work and looking after and bond with their babies...Of course this isnt child abuse

  2. Vice President will not take her away from her children any more

    than the jobs the rest of us have. I don't really know how it might

    affect her husband.  Will he stay in Alaska or go to Wasington. I

    suspect they will stay together.  Do you think that no one should

    be allowed to raise their kids unless they can do it the way you

    want them to. That sounds kind of socialist.

  3. Child abuse? That's ridiculous. You should look at it as a positive - showing how women can take care of their family and have a successful career. How on earth could that be considered child abuse? Let me guess - you are one of those people who do not have to work (lucky you) and you probably also comment on other people on these Yahoo Answers that it is the most horrible thing in the world when they have to let their child go to daycare.

    This is a ridiculous question.

  4. So you're saying that if a woman has a high profile career she can't be a mother as well? I honestly see no problem with it, she's married, she will still be able to devote time to her children, and her husband can help her. No one would even comment on this if she were a man with a 4 month old. What about all of these celebrities with children? They are free to go out and party and leave their children with nannies all day. I wouldn't call that child abuse, but it's still a shame.

  5. are we back in the 1800's? i have three kids and work two jobs and go to school. i'm still a good mother. she has a husband. i don't. i love her and her views.

  6. Yeh, having a career and a family is child abuse.

    Why does no one question Barack leaving his 2 young daughters while he's on the campain trail?


  8. It's obviously not child abuse. And I dont think she's doing anything wrong at all.

    BUT, personally, I would never be able to leave my 4 month old newborn to do something as time consuming as being vice president of the country. I took a full year off of work with my son.  

  9. well if the father is with the baby, whats the problem?

    its not child abuse for the same reason that if she was at home with the baby and the father is out working full time. but somehow, this situation is more acceptable to people.

  10. Yes many, many women have infants at home and a demanding career but Mrs. Palin's 4 mo. old has Down Syndrome.. A 4 MONTH OLD WITH DOWN SYNDROME. Reports I've seen say Mrs. Palin knew before birth the child had this condition and she along with her husband decided to have the child instead of terminate the pregnancy, a decision I agree with and applaud them for but if you accepting responsibility for a child with such special needs then you accept it. Even if her husband decided to give up working to care for the child 24/7, something which I'm not aware he's chosen to do- would it be fair to the child, to her husband of Mrs. Palin to terminate her parental responsibilities? They presumably agree together then she gets to take on the Astronomical responsibility of preparing to be VP in at best 3 MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION!?  

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