
Sara Palin..whats your opinion?

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I have been reading on this woman and can not believe McCain actually picked her! lol

-a "popular" Governor in the least populated State (47 out of 50)

-does not have a stan on almost anything

- tons of hidden skeletons (the naked pictures to start with)

So is this a cheap trick by the Republicans to win the "Hillary" Vote??




  1. not fat or ugly enough for bill clinton to hit on her

  2. Well I couldn't stand Hillary, but Sarah seems pretty cool. I'm definitely voting McCain

  3. My gut reaction is that McCain picked Palin because she was a woman. He wanted to match the Democrats highly diverse ticket. I wonder if Obama and Hillary were ou out of the picture and it was your typical WASP candidate, like in years past, if Palin would have even had a chance.I am almost insulted as a woman.

  4. i'm very active in animal rights and conservation and Palin wants to eliminate a dying breed of wolves in alaska due to their "violent nature"....Have you ever been attacked by wolves?  

    As a VP, i dont know how she will turn out, but as an animal lover--she's terrible.  

    Also, I don't believe McCain picked her because of her political achievements.  Does anyone think its a coincidence that the government wants to drill oil in Alaska...and who better to choose as your running mate than the Governor of Alaska?!?!

  5. Perfect choice by McCain! The base is now united giving McCain a great advantage, plus this will bring in a lot of those blue collar voters. Obama is going to upset many blue collar voters, particularly the ones that were offended by the initial response to Palin where she was bashed for being the former mayor of a small town. Many of the blue collar workers, which will very likely decide this election, are from small towns just like the one Palin was mayor of. These continued insults and critical statements seen on yahoo answers and in the media, just shows how very worried Obama supporters really are.

    McCain/Palin 2008!

  6. A rising star, a good person, intelligent, VERY conservative...

    and way too inexperienced to be President if something happened to old man McCain.

  7. Smell the Obamabot fear.  It's dee-lish-us!  

  8. It's "Sarah", and she runs a state.

    ObamaBinBiden run campaigns.

  9. My intelligent, expert opinion? YUK!

  10. Senator John Mccain has clearly chosen Stalin because of her appeal to Women voters and her agreement with his WAR policies even though he doesnt know her from anyone and she has ZERO experience at this level.......

    So they want us to have a 72 year old heart attack survivor as our President and a woman who has a WHOLE LOT to learn in a very SHORT amont of time because she is extremely inexperienced at this level as V.P


    if that isnt a recipe to have this Country in shambles I dont know what is

  11. She is...a nice piece of ***.

  12. Being a governor to a state whose problems are so different to those in the lower 49 does not qualify as 'experience.'  Even if she was experienced she is just more of the Bush same---a person who will cow tow to the RNA, the evangelicals, the oil lobbyists and the pro-lifers. These are all powerful groups so don't sing the Democratic victory song just yet.

  13. Mc Cain met her 2 times and doesn't know her. He is taking a big risk

  14. she does have very strong stands on very primitive beliefs, like gun control (she wants less), abortion (she wants none) and evolution (she is a creationist)

    basically shes a duuummbb

    but she was a runner up in a Ms. Alaska competition....

    whatever. not who i want as my vice prez.

  15. Keep attacking,it show's you're afraid your Obama will lose.  

  16. I think she rocks and has a really cute haircut.  



  17. Yes and it's blowing up in their faces even as I write this.

  18. Uh, some of your facts are simply just wrong.  Yikes.

    And, if you compare her to Obama... she's got more experience than him.  He TALKS a lot... she actually gets things done.

  19. She has naked pics? Whoa gotta tell my 90 year old grampa he'll love it

  20. Sarah Palin is the BEST thing to happen to the McCain ticket.

  21. She's got my vote.  And no way on God's green earth would I have ever voted for Hillary.

  22. *Wow, you r****d.  If it's the "least populated state," then why is it 47 out of 50?!

    *Yes, she does in fact.  As stands become more relevant now that she is in the national spotlight, they will come out.

    *How the h**l would you know?!  Are you Sarah Palin?  How would you know she has hidden skeletons then?

    You ignoramus.

  23. We dont know her.  He just tossed her in the mosh pit without really giving her a chance to prove herself.  She might have been good if he wasnt desperate to out do Democrats.

  24. Myself, and most of America are absolutely in love with her.

    She's awesome!

  25. He just handed the Presidency to Obama .

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