
Sara bb9. do you think she has blown her chance of winning?

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people were on her side over the rex darnell bullying incidents,but i have lost a bit of respect for her after the way she carried on with darnell in the pool.makes her look cheap




  1. No one had any respect for her anyway ... it was misguided sympathy...

    dR bad


  2. sara is still the 3rd favourite to win with the bookies, and is topping quite a lot of internet polls.

    but i still don't think she'll win, she might possibly go tomorrow.

    i like her and think its unfair that she gets all the blame when darnell is totally flirting and mucking about with her too.

    sara to win :)

  3. awwwwwwwwwwww i thought that was sooo cute

    i want sara and darnell to get it on

    ive always liked sara and i kind of want her to win a tiny bit

    either her mikey or darnell

    mostly darnell though because he cant even afford to get glasses! aww

  4. she always goes over the top with Darnell when she has had a drink or two, i don't think she will win anyway

  5. I agree.. it's like she's just using him now, which is a shame cause he genuinely likes her!

    Rex to win now ;) Love him! X

  6. Cant stand the b*tch,

    the way shes leading Darnell on is just not fair,

    hes so oblivious to the fact she doesnt fancy him.

    Mikey or Rex to win - theyre harsh but funny,

  7. Well i have lost respect for her, i cant understand why you would want to be anywhere near a Man that had treated you like dirt! I think Rachel or Mikey will win now.

  8. You mean it didn't make Darnell look cheap then?

    It's ok for him to flirt and run around with a hard on but if Sara has a bit of fun she is labelled a cheap tease? I'm thinking double standards here.

    I'd rather Sara win than "oh man, my life is sooooo sh*t dude" Darnell. If I have lost respect for Sara I have even less respect for Darnell.

  9. I still like her but i was disappointed to see all that rubbish starting again. She can be good friends with him without them crawling all over eachother!

  10. sarah&rex to go tuesday

  11. Not with me! She has done nothin wrong!

  12. Sara neeeds 2 go tuesday

  13. Never really did have much respect for Sara - she's been a mega d**k tease from day one // and tried to bounce around all the guys in order of perceived popularity from day one.

    If I had been called the names like Sara has in the house, I would not try and live up to the reputation in reality, just for more air time or to stay in the limelight.

    Darnell has also gone down in my estimations - He is thinking with what he has in his pants rather than his brain !!!  

  14. Nah, she's still my top 3  

  15. I think she is in a difficult situation, she probably doesn't want to reject him in any way as she doesn't want a recurrence of the previous situation.

  16. I think she could have.

    The HM's are to be allowed to watch an episode of BB later this week.It would be interesting if they showed them that particular episode just to see Sara's reaction as to how it was edited.

  17. I agree with you.  I think Rachel stands the best chance now

  18. I guess she has lost a bit of R*E*S*P*E*C*T

  19. *nods*

    Yeah I totally agree with you, if a man said that to me ever, after i'd thrown something at him, I don't think I'd ever want to have an indepth conversation with said person ever again.. let alone get within touching distance.. eurgh makes me feel ill when ever I think of that pool scene.

    I don't think I have a clear winner to be honest now I'd be happy with either Rachel or Mikey.  

  20. yes, shes a flirt and totally, i think people will think shes leading darnell on.. i never did like her. but i still thought that the bullying was out of order

  21. Yes she could have blown her chance of winning.She is just teasing Darnell now.

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