
Sarah's first political speech running for Miss Alaska she was IN FAVOR of World Peace. First Flip Flop?

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Sarah's first political speech running for Miss Alaska she was IN FAVOR of World Peace. First Flip Flop?




  1. I'm for world peace too, but that doesn't mean I am willing to have the US taken over by terrorists. So I don't get your point.

  2. What flip flop ?  She still is in favor of world peace.  My God is this the best you liberals can do.

  3. Silly goose.  Sarah Palin is not running for president.  Not THIS time anyway.  I expect her to be elected in 2012, though.  And  I seriously doubt she, or anyone else, changed or changes views on "world peace".

    How funny that Obama is so ineffectual  he has to defend himself, a presidential candidate, against the morals, charisma, experience, and good solid SENSE of a mere VP candidate.

    This is truly a FIRST in a presidential election.

  4. its a typical answer for a beauty pageant.

  5. Wanting peace and fighting for freedom can be the same you know. Working with others for peaceful relations is different than becoming a single one world order. That is the difference. Flip Believing in the same things our founding fathers believed in is not showing weakness...or lack of peacefulness.

    Get a clue...It's like saying to your kid...let the bully at school beat you up everyday. It's okay...some day he will understand that all you wanted was peace. Well, I think the little *hit would get a clue if you knocked the c**p out of him once. I don't think he'll be bugging you anymore will he? I don't know...what do you think?

  6. sounds like you are grasping at straws... nice try though

  7. Good one!

  8. No.

    Another Libs questions/answers set to private. What are libs hiding?

  9. And I bet she remembers that speech. h**l obama cant remember if he was in church that day.

    If that is the best you got I feel bad for you demorats.

  10. I don't think she's a flip-flopper. She'll hold firmly to her original positions.

    And given her original positions, that's very frightening.

  11. EVERY beauty contestant says they want world peace.

  12. Despite the buzz, Sarah does NOT strike me as a radical partisan.  She is more of a Libertarian, she has her views, but she is not dogmatic about them.  She is a govt. reformer, her message is to reform Washington from waste and corruption.  Her record has demonstrated this time and again.

  13. Did you know she's also in favor of whole grain cereal, after previously being noncommital on the subject?

  14. Everyone is in favor of World Peace, what's your point?

  15. Obama's first public speech was having his crack cocaine possession charges removed from the police records

  16. Still is.  You get peace by kicking the a** of other countries that try to take you over.  That's how they learn and peace will ensue when they know that we're capable of flattening them. Then you "talk".  It's a mixture of fear and diplomacy.

  17. Haven't you watched Miss Congeniality? GEEZ!

  18. Wow.  Simple minds.

    Other than Radical Islamic Terrorist, I don't know of many people who are NOT in favor in World Peace.  You see - there is a catch to achieving World Peace that some people just get - sometimes you have to kick someone's butt to ensure it.

    Just like in the school yard - you have to take the bully down so that EVERYONE can enjoy recess.

  19. Please tell me where she changed her mind?  Who in his/her right mind wouldn't want world peace?

  20. She still is and your question is your flop #41.

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