
Sarah Palin, McCain's Choice for VP; Your Thoughts?

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I'm in awe of the women I work with personally. Most are from strong ethnic families. They work 7 days a week, and are still expected to keep up with the house work including a full Sunday meal.

With this stated I'm even more impressed with Governor Sarah Palin! Is there anything she hasn't or cannot do?

Earlier in the day the Obama campaign had the nerve to attempt to paint her as a former mayor of a town of 9,000 " just 1 heartbeat from the oval office...

Governor Palin, has more experience than Barry, and actually told us what some of her views were. This is what he's successfully avoided since the '2004 speech!

I want to see her beat him one on one on the court. I hear she's an outstanding point guard.




  1. I am not real familiar with Sarah Palin, nor had I ever heard of her before. I have nothing ill to say of her.

    I think the only reason McCain picked her is to try to sway the women voters and / or the men that will find her attractive. I don't think he chose her based on her experience or intelligence.

    Sorry but thats my 2 cents

  2. Very strategic choice.

    McCain needed a conservative and he needed to s*x up his ticket.  Nothing like a little youth and beauty to do just that.

    She's accomplished quite a bit for the state of Alaska, in addition to being a mother of five kids, one of whom has down's syndrome.  If she can handle all that, I'm pretty sure she can take life in stride.

  3. i agree with you,,, she is smart, beautiful and i think she will help mccain... you go girl

  4. Well, McCain is assuming a number of things. He is assuming that the pro-business/economy, Romney crowd, is already in his corner. He is assuming that the evangelical, Huckabee crowd, is already in his corner. The only crowd that this choice would go to appease is the Ron Paul crowd, generally independent/libertarian minded voters, and of course women.

    Palin is from, probably the most libertarian state out there. I dont think shes as libertarian as some may hope (including myself), but i think this choice has been made to win women, and not the libertarians, as there are better qualified libertarians out there.

    The problem with the choice, of course, is McCain's age. The troubling question, which i dont have enough information to make a guess on, is whether Palin can be a president. Whereas, Obama's choice, Biden, appears to be well qualified to be a president. The choice of Palin is a problem because in many peoples eyes, McCain had only one choice to make, Romney.

    As such, on ideological grounds, McCain's pick is a huge gamble. Romeny was not only qualified to be president, but he secured the base. I doubt Palin does either. The only thing she brings is a shot at Clinton's women, who are pro-choice, where she is vigorously pro-life. I doubt Palin does much for those of us who are libertarian.

  5. I think she is going to be right on top of everything. she has a good family ties. smart   and won't let people run over her.She is for all the right things the people want. Good choice.

  6. Great choice, called it months ago.

  7. I like her.  I did my homework on her, looked at her voting record, what she has done in AK, what she has done with her National Guard, what she has done for oil, she is pro life, pro gun ownership and own up to what she says, she cut her own pay and takes care of her family.  She is a step out of the box and if Obama had picked Hillary it would have been a good race, now it is a great race.

  8. The pick makes perfect sense.  She is a solid conservative candidate.  She has a good political record.  She may not have been the governor for too long (2 years), but those were a busy 2 years.  She accomplished a lot in a very short amount of time.  That speaks volumes.  It means she is very politically aggressive and unintimidated as well as being extremely skilled.  She is outside of government and corporate circles and has pushed policies that reflect that.  She pushed agendas that she believed would better her state and the people in it, first and formost...whether that means pushing for oil drilling in the Alaskan reserves or fighting against big oil companies, which she has done both in her time there.  That I find very honest.  She commanded her National Guard and State Defence Forces well, handling several mobilizations as well as a complete transformation of the Army side to an organization that is more in-line with the Federal Army's organizational and strategic changes.  She has maintained a very high approval rating.

    From a socially conservative standpoint, she is an upstanding citizen who lives conservative family values.  She has a very strong loyal family and very few skeletons in her closet.  Her son serves in the military...that serves a big blow to the anti-war crowd.  It's hard to push the position that the pro-war politicians are elitists who never have to feel the cost of war when both the presidential candidate and his running mate have sons serving in combat.  She stands very consistant on issues relating to abortion.  Even more so, again, she actually lives those values by having a child that she knew was going to be born disabled.  She had the same option to under-go an abortion as any other woman in the same situation and rejected that option because she didn't believe it was morally right.  She chose to have and love that child just as much as any of her others, regardless of the difficulties.  That is going to sit very well with the pro-life crowd.  She is pro-2nd Amendment.  She hunts...fishes...she lives a simple, small town life.  There are a lot of people who are going to be able to relate to that.  A lot of politicians, whether they are running for president or whatever, who try to play up that they understand and can relate to the rural "every-man", so to speak....well, she actually can.  This is a hockey mom that was born and raised rural America who went on to be a small town mayor before being elected to state governor.  She can walk to any town in the entire Mid-West of the United States and be able to speak their language.  That's huge.  Democrats like to show utter contempt for the small town country folk who feed them, but the reality is that if they campaign correctly she could potentially turn every state between the Appalacians and the Rockys to McCain.  Even us in Minnesota, who have not given a Republican electoral vote in a presidential election since Nixon, has a Republican governor..and could turn if we are galvanised by someone who we feel understands us.  

    As far as everyone else, McCain doesn't..or shouldn't...lose anything by picking her as the VP.  She is a very strong, intelligent, woman.  Those who would disagree with her on issues would still have disagreed if McCain had picked a man.  The whole feeling insulted thing about McCain picking her just because she's a woman is a stupid argument.  You were gonna vote for Hillary because she's a woman and now you aren't going to vote for Palin because she's a woman?  That makes no sense.  It's dumb.  He's demostrating that Republicans can look outside the box...that the Democrats don't hold a monopoly on being able to present a strong female figure that represents them.  That should not be seen as a bad thing.

    Those are my views anyway.

  9. I think that was a smart move from McCain. Palin seems like a smart women. I don't know much about her yet, but so far what I've heard is all good.

  10. Just from what I've learned today I LIKE her.  She sounds like someone I could be friends with.  She sounds normal and interesting.

  11. excellent choice

    Mccain/Palin 2008

  12. I would have prefered that he pick Romney, but McCain is a gambler and he could turn out to be crazy like a fox. This election just got even more interesting. The plot thickens....

  13. Warrin' Maverick McCain on November 5:

    "That c**t cost me the election!"

  14. she's got experience managing 6000 people and hunting moose

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