
Sarah Palin's Experience?

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All I have heard from liberals today is how Sarah Palin is not experienced enough to be a heart beat away from the presidency. She has THE SAME amount of experience as Barack Obama. Obama would not be heart beat away, he WOULD BE the president, with the same lack of experience as Palin. Why do liberals not get this fact??




  1. Sarah Palin has NO IDEA what a VP does.  SEE/HEAR HER IN HER OWN WORDS:

    (her V.P. comments are toward the end of the video)

    Oh yeah, and she's under investigation for corruption.

  2. hahaha obama is worse

  3. What they mean by a heart beat away from the Presidency is if McCain should die Sarah Palin would be sworn in as The President.that's "IF" they get elected in November

  4. Obama's entire real world work resume. 145 days experience in the Senate with nothing to show for it, only 3 bills passed.  Zero military experience, Quick trip to Middle East, Never physically worked a hard day in his life……Barack Obama barely qualifies to work in a McDonalds. We wont even mention his devotion to extremist, radical and racist religious views for which he was ingrained and worshipped for the past twenty years.Two years as a lawyer and only 14 minor trials. And two years as a "community organizer" with nothing  accomplished.

    Obama has more "experience" trying to hide the fact that he has none

    McCain Palin in 08 all the way!!!!!

  5. Sarah Palin already has more experience she has had to make real decisions, running a state , Obama is a professional voter who is on the wrong side of almost every issue. McCains pick was genius, in the very near future Palin will be our very first female President and I look forward to that day, she is a real conservative and I will support her all the way now and in the future.

  6. Watch this and justify her knowledge of civics (ie. what the helll ia VP does)

    "...what is it exactly that a VP does?..."

    And, the respone from the interviewer:

    "It's a pretty big job, you'd be surprised"

    And, Barack is not qualified to work at McDonalds?  Well, then I think all those burger flippers should apply for jobs at Univ. of Chicago where I'm sure that they'll get hired....right?

    So much hypocrisy on this thread

  7. Sarah is the only one of the people on the ticket with executive experience...all of the others are legislators.  I like her experience far better.  

  8. Who ever thought that she is on the same level as Hillary and herefore chose her ?

    Obama will run circles around her anytime.


  9. No , no experience at all .

  10. It's a bit of a tough call on both sides. Obama has a small amount of state and federal legislative experience. Palin is a new governor of a state, whose infrastructure and population tend to suggest, outside of mining & resources, that she's more of a mayor than a governor. Before that she was a mayor...of her small hometown.

    She didn't get the job because of her experience, she got it because of her political stance, her distance from Bush...and at the risk of offending, her youth, looks and gender.

  11. Actually I think Palin has more experience.  She said today that she has 13 years experience as an elected official....and I think Obama, counting his time as a state legislator, has somewhere around 9 or 10.  Plus, experience as a mayor and governor more closely mirrors that of the President than that of a senator.

  12. So having no or little experience and being a heartbeat away is worse than being the President with no experience. Liberal logic I guess. Imagine Obama meeting with Putin "PRESENT"

  13. at least palin did not sit in an anti american church for 20 yrs.

    liberals are confused right now.

  14. I think it's very hypocritical on McCain's part. He complains about Obama's lack of experience and then choses someone with the same lack of experience for VP.  

  15. What really gets me is that people look at the population of Alaska and say that she isn't experienced because of that.  "Might as well just be a small town" blah blah blah.....the thing is, because it was an executive position the size of the population is completely irrelevant.  The executive branch of the government does not deal with the population on a person by person basis.  Their job is exactly the same regardless if the population they are governing is 10,000 people or 10,000,000 people.  They run the military forces, which governors do actually have...everyone forgets about that, but a governor is the commander-in-chief of all state forces to include National Guard and State Defence Forces, which Alaska has both...., to be the head of the state government, and they make decisions about how laws are going to be enforced.  They manage institutions, not people.  That is the job of the Senate and House.  The size of her state population has absolutely no bearing on whether or not she would make a good vice-president because it is her ability to manage government bodies that is going to be important in that position, and juding by her record, she did a spectacular job at doing that.

  16. Palin has more executive experience than Obama, but the liberals seem to keep forgetting that that they're comparing a presidential candidate to a VICE presidential candidate...So, to point out Palin's supposed 'lack of experience' makes their presidential candidate's lack even more glaring.

    Palin is the first woman governor of Alaska, the first person to serve as governor that was born after Alaska was granted statehood, was mayor and served on city council.

    She has traveled overseas, more times than Obama, to visit wounded soldiers and one of her sons is set to be deployed to Iraq in September.

    Palin’s accomplishments in Alaska dwarf Obama’s time in the Senate. She has killed pork barrel projects including the Bridge to Nowhere and passed ethics reform in Alaska that effectively ended the political career of many Republicans. She passed a constitutional ban on g*y marriage but signed into law benefits for homosexual couples. And unlike the current Senate, has passed a budget in the amount of $6.6 billion that included several hundred cuts in wasteful programs, saving taxpayers over $200 million.

    Palin's popularity soared above 80% as she shelved pork-barrel projects by fellow Republicans and jump-started a campaign by her lieutenant governor, Sean Parnell, to unseat veteran U.S. Rep. Don Young of Alaska, who is now being investigated by the FBI.

    Ms. Palin has shown similar boldness in going after Big Oil, whose money has long dominated the state and helped fund its Republican machine. In a snub to the oil majors, she has proposed TransCanada Corp., a Calgary energy company, be given the primary contract to lead the $30 billion job to build a natural-gas pipeline from Alaska's North Slope.

    "Palin has accomplished a feat which has eluded the U.S. Congress for many years. She has pushed through the Alaska legislature a natural gas pipeline project which will bring new supply and price relief to the lower 48:

    On Aug. 1, the same day the call for a vote on drilling began on the House floor, the Alaska state Senate approved a package of measures to license a new natural gas pipeline. House Bill 3001 lets Palin award the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act license to TransCanada Alaska, a pipeline builder that cast a winning bid of five.

    The legislature had been trying for 30 years to authorize something like this and, up until now, had blown it. Palin got it through. Getting it off the ground, the state says, will be the biggest construction project in U.S. history.

    Palin considers the $26 billion project her biggest accomplishment as governor. "It was not easy," she told IBD. "Alaska has been hoping and dreaming for a natural gas pipeline for decades. What it took was getting off the dime and creating a competitive market in Alaska."

    The 1,715-mile gas line would stretch from Alaska's North Slope to Fairbanks and down to Alberta, Canada. Then it would take existing gas lines to Idaho. In 10 years, Palin says, the lower 48 states would receive 4.5 million cubic feet of natural gas a day. By 2030, according to Energy Department estimates, Alaska's annual natgas production would quintuple to 2 trillion cubic feet."

    There's much more, but I think you may be getting the point.

    EDIT: @ McCain / Failin' 08: Why do you keep telling that lie? Palin's husband is a blue collar worker, like most Americans. He is a lineman for BP. Bp is one of the 5 biggest employers in the state of Alaska and employs literally thousands of people who live there. That does not make them all 'lobbyists'...Do you know what the word 'lobbyist' means? Here's a hint, it does NOT mean 'lineman'...and btw, one of the impressive things Palin does is FIGHT big oil.

  17. Govenor of a State is more leadership oriented than Senator from a State.  She has all the qualifications that she needs.

  18. "I don't know much about Iraq" Palin on CNN July 2008

  19. I'm republican, and I think you need more than hunting and winning beauty pageants to accept this one.

  20. I agree. And when Obama was faced with the same charge, he replied that he would just surround himself with capable, experienced people. Same for Palin IF something should happen to McCain.

    I think their argument is lame.

  21. & to add to the first answer, her husband is a lobbyist for BP. I'm sure McCain just killed any chances he had left.

  22. we are calling YOU guys out for months and months of saying obama wasn't ready he's not experienced enough,and now that your man mccain chooses sarah were hitting you right back

  23. She has MORE experience in being the president than Obama has.  Obama has simply showed up to a place and said ;ea or ney.  She actually governed a large state.  

    And to Freedom forever or what ever you name was, you're an idiot.

  24. That's why your smarter than the liberal folks here but try not to rub it in let them be bitter!

  25. Because liberals don't WANT to get it.

    Actually, they probably DO get it -- but they just don't want to admit it.

    Excellent answer to my question, by the way!  

    I wanted to add you as a Contact, but your Profile doesn't allow it.  (Sniffle, sniffle....)


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