
Sarah Palin's Kids have a Blue Collar Dad. What do Obama's & Biden's Kids Have for a Dad?

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Todd Palin is a card carrying union member who gets physically dirty.




  1. Poor role models who would have aborted her youngest child.

  2. so what my Son has a blue collar Dad too whats point  

  3. The middle class was just saluted by John McCain. Yeah for America.

  4. What in the world is wrong with being a blue collor worker?  I am white collor but I sure don't look down my nose at blue cllor workers as if I am better than them.  That is sooo superficial. I know many who went to college, had white collor jobs, despised it and took a blue collor job because that's what they liked.

  5. lol mccain screwed up

  6. A couple of nitwit law jockey's.

  7. Ummm, McCain thinks anyone making under 5 million a year is middle class... He doesn't give a **** about unions or blue collar people. he's a republican.

  8. Obama and Biden's kids have Obama and Biden as fathers. Really?  Don't put the politics on the kids now.

  9. bad decision... Republicans hate unions.

  10. They have a self center buffoon and a mom without any taste or class.

    Notice the difference in the children of MCain-Palin compared with Presidential candidate BHO.

    yes the Palins are down to earth people, they don't have to dress like rag pickers to prove it.  They are ot millionaires, and except their responsibilities and meet them head on.

    Biden was a loser to begin with only 9000 votes.

  11. Actors

  12. They have parents who are a Pres and VP candidate...isn't that amazing? Nothing wrong with a working class pops either, but if my dad was going for the highest profile job in the country, that's someting to be proud of..

  13. And? Obama didn't come from money. Neither did his wife. They worked hard for everything they have. I fail to see the point of your question.  

  14. It's my understanding that nutty Sarah wears the trousers in the family, and he wears a baby blue tutu w/ a blue collar.

  15. I didn't know that carrying a union card and getting physically dirty was what made a good parent.  Besides, it is the Democrats who usually get the union endorsements because they represent the working class more than the GOP.  The GOP is less likely to have card carrying union members as they usually see the answer is in the hands of the plant owners and not the union.

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