
Sarah Palin's daughter was off school for many months with 'mono'?

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Im British, i have never heard of this illness, which by reading the internet, seems to be rife amongst teenage girls in America. I couldnt find out what it is.... what is it??




  1. Mononucleosis, also known as the kissing disease because that is the usual transmission of it although it can be transmitted in other ways.

    "Infectious mononucleosis, also known as Pfeiffer's disease, mono (in the United States of America) and more commonly known as glandular fever in other English-speaking countries, is an infectious disease. It occurs most commonly in adolescents and young adults, where it is characterized by fever, sore throat, muscle soreness, and fatigue. Infectious mononucleosis typically produces a mild illness and is often asymptomatic. Mononucleosis is predominantly caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which infects B cells (B-lymphocytes), producing a reactive lymphocytosis predominantly consisting of atypical lymphocytes, a specific type of T-cell that gives the disease its name.

    The name "kissing disease" is often applied to mono in casual speech, as in developed countries it is most common at the same age when adolescents and young adults are initiating romantic behaviour. This co-occurrence is not apparent in undeveloped countries, where poor sanitation and close living arrangements cause the causative virus to be spread at a much earlier age, when the disease is mild and seldom diagnosed. Both males and females can get mononucleosis."

  2. Is this the same daughter that is pregnant.  Or is this

    another daughter.  Sounds like Palin needs to stay at home and take better care of her 5 children, instead of walking beside McCain, with that same old talk, we don't need four  more years of the last eight.  Obama, Rocks.  

  3. I was in the hospital for 3 days with Mono when I was in High sucks bad!

  4. First of all it is not rampant,, you sound like a gossip monger,  get a life.

  5. kissing disease apparently

  6. It´s otherwise known as glandular fever.

    Common among teenagers.

    I missed three months of school aged 16.

    Like a very long drawn out bout of flu....and although I went to a "strict school" I most definitely did not have a baby !

  7. mono is mononucleosis...

    Infectious mononucleosis, also known as Pfeiffer's disease, mono (in the United States of America) and more commonly known as glandular fever in other English-speaking countries, is an infectious disease. It occurs most commonly in adolescents and young adults, where it is characterized by fever, sore throat, muscle soreness, and fatigue. Infectious mononucleosis typically produces a mild illness and is often asymptomatic. Mononucleosis is predominantly caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which infects B cells (B-lymphocytes), producing a reactive lymphocytosis predominantly consisting of atypical lymphocytes, a specific type of T-cell that gives the disease its name.

    The name "kissing disease" is often applied to mono in casual speech, as in developed countries it is most common at the same age when adolescents and young adults are initiating romantic behaviour. This co-occurrence is not apparent in undeveloped countries, where poor sanitation and close living arrangements cause the causative virus to be spread at a much earlier age, when the disease is mild and seldom diagnosed. Both males and females can get mononucleosis.

    EDIT: joe m., thats actually not averages about a month, but can be more or less. i got it in like feb. or march of last year and was still recovering in july of last year.

  8. yeah, come to think of it, the only people i know that ever got it were teenage get it from making out

  9. Glandular fever usually only lasts for a week or so.

    Remember the Brady Bunch?

    A lot of affluent girls in the US were also sent away with "mono" to hide their "shame" and protect their family name.

    I thought that kind of thinking died out in the 50's.

    I guess not.

    The "mono" is the least troubling issue in this coverup.

  10. You get it from Rock & Roll music if you listen to it in mono instead of stereo.

  11. it's another name for Glandular Fever

  12. Good thinking there, Flanellette! Our morning news just announced that Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter is indeed pregnant! Too bad that her mother didn't teach her birth control among other things. I'm sure McCain is just thrilled with this news!

    Kind of speaks to her strict policies against 'woman's right to choose'. That is not meant as a judgmental statement...."to each his own decisions".  But, if you aren't teaching abstinence, than at least teach them about prevention!

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