
Sarah Palin/Democrat..........?

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If Sarah Palin was a Democrat, running on the ticket with Obama, would she be undergoing such hatred and vilification? Be honest, folks, and let us know how you feel ?




  1. Depends, if she still holds to the same beliefs and policies than yes. Honestly people would be screaming "What is Obama thinking?!"

    However if she were far more liberal (we're talking 'evil' twin status of evil) than it would depend on HER POLICIES.

    I cannot stress to you enough that her problem isn't her party, it's the fact that she (coincidentally like the rest of her party) is a hypocrit.

  2. Yea, just as Obama and Michelle have been scrutinized. She will after all be a heartbeat away from Presidency.  

  3. Yes, but it would be coming from different people.  

  4. If she were a Democrat she wouldn't be spouting her "abstinence only" BS. I feel for her daughter. Poor thing was just so desparate for attention.


  5. Good Lord!  Republicans would have crucified her!

  6. Just wait a few years until one of Obama's daughters subjects herself to the same misfortune.  That's when we'll know the truth - like we don't already know what that truth is.

  7. she wouldn't get a 2nd look - the media is working hard to get Barry elected. When a strong intelligent woman comes around, they hate it

  8. NO!  I've never seen anything like this.  The media is the worst I've ever seen.  They all suck!  

  9. We all know she wouldn't.  The media kept a hands of policy towards Chelsea Clinton for 8 years.  Republicans live with a double standard and face scrytiny that a Democrat never has to deal with.

  10. Um it would be 10 times worse if she was a democrat....republicans have never even had a woman on the ticket soooo go figure...

  11. obama would never make such a terrible choice, his judgment is far better than that.

  12. Sarah Palin supported Barack Obama before McCain asked her to be VP. Politics makes strange bedfellows.

  13. No, especially if the candidate I liked said that families were "off limits." I've defended Obama on here plenty of times, even though I don't like the guy, though I do respect him a lot more with is comment regarding this situation now. I've told people that they were foolish for concentrating on his middle name, saying he was a Muslim or born outside the country, and I don't know why anyone would think he has an obligation to help a brother he's never known. So, you see, I CAN be logical about this and can see both sides. Too bad so few of you can.  

  14. She wouldn't be hearing any hatred from Democrats

    but as we all know

    republicans would crucify her

    if Chelsea Clinton became pregnant out of wedlock, the right wingers would all be parrotting the phrase

    its because of her immoral parents

    it was fine and dandy for the right wings Presidential to make disparaging remarks about Chelsea, but don't say a word about the daughter of the woman that preaches to others that they MUST teach their children abstinance  

  15. She's be a national hero -- for juggling all this.

    CNN would be promoting her as the FIRST GRANDMA.. or that she'd be a McMiLF.. and even better, the USA's  McGiLF!!! (Larry King would be slobbering all over his mic)

  16. It would be much worse. The Limbaughs, O'Reillys , Hannitys and Reagans would have major verbal diarrhea.

  17. Yes, but from the other side of the political spectrum.

  18. I haven't seen hatred and vilification.  I have seen questions about who she is since she is virtually unknown on the national stage.  

  19. Of course she would...Only difference being that McCain himself would have harped on it, while Obama's staying away from it.

    Ultimately, I'll say it again, this is really a non-issue and it's unfortunate that the media is making such a big deal of it.

  20. LOL!!!

    Of course!!! Have you being paying attention to the hatred and vilification Obama receives?

  21. She'd be hailed as a hero!

  22. The  mainstream media spin would be 180 degrees different.

  23. No she would not. She would be getting the "we have been there, done that" sympathy.

  24. Of course she would. Her scrutiny would be magnified by 10 just because she was WITH obama on the ticket! Are you kidding me?

  25. depends on which vilification you are referring to.

    republicans would still be constantly talking about her pregnant daughter, rather than just let that go as Democrats have requested, but instead they'd be tearing her down.

  26. if she still had her wacko extremist ideas, then yes I think she would be.  

  27. She would be paraded around in the media for her courage.

  28. Democrats would be praising her instead of putting her down.  

  29. you guys are doing a bang up job yourselves plus thats all the media has been talking about  

  30. If she had the same views as she does now I wouldn't vote for her under any party affiliation.

  31. No she wouldn't..................

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