
Sarah Palin Denies that Global Warming is Man-Made. Do we really need a "Hockey Mom" defying Scientist?

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I guess she really doesn't care about these hurricanes.





  1. She is "preaching to the choir" by repeating the right-wing myth.  Either that, or she is just that ignorant.  Either way, she is expressing views that are a direct contradiction to the VAST MAJORITY OF SCIENTISTS.  Let's face it - she is the Republicans' "generic" Hillary substitute.  They must think women are really stupid.  It's scary to think she could be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.

  2. She is scary with her beliefs. And I wish she would change the beehive hairdo.

  3. oooooooo myyyyyy gooooooddddddd... i'm so shocked by some answers.... of course global warming is man made... not the holly spirit... since i don't know how many years the weather was perfectly correct growing up but normally, our activities increase and suddenly the weather's become completely crazy:

    - increase of the hurricanes level in america

    - increase of the monsoon phenomena in asia

    - increase of the flood in europe

    - aggravation of Drought in africa

    - some animals are dessapearing

    - the sea ice is melting

    but this is perfectly normal...

    and all the scientists who denie this facts are so completely unskill or pey by some big firms...

    please don't be stupid and open your eyes... not necessary to be eintein to know that...

  4. Palin is nothng more then a ploy to take the attention off of McCain.. Her downfalls even over rides his.. Thats pretty bad!

  5. I know this will come up,so let's end this stupid myth that dummies keep repeating.

    During the first 8 (eight) years of his elected service he sponsored over 820 (eight hundred twenty) bills. He introduced 233 (two hundred thirty-three) regarding healthcare reform,

    125 on poverty and public assistance,

    112 crime fighting bills,

    97 economic bills,

    60 human rights and anti-discrimination bills,

    21 ethics reform bills,

    15 gun control,

    6 veterans affairs and many others.

    His *first year* in the U.S. Senate, he authored 152 (one hundred fifty-two) bills and co-sponsored another 427 (four hundred twenty-seven).

    These included:

    1. **The Coburn-Obama Government Transparency Act of 2006 - became law,

    2. **The Lugar-Obama Nuclear Non-proliferation and Conventional Weapons Threat Reduction Act, - became law,

    3. **The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act - passed the Senate,

    4. **The 2007 Government Ethics Bill, - became law,

    5. **The Protection Against Excessive Executive Compensation Bill - in committee,

    6. and many more.

    In all, since entering the U.S. Senate, Senator Obama has written 890 (eight hundred ninety) bills and co-sponsored another 1096 (one thousand ninety-six).

    He just came of a International tour and talked to more then 16 diffrent world leaders of which t

    Committees obama has served in

    next president of the united states would have to deal with.

    Foreign Relations,

    Environment and Public Works and Veterans' Affairs



    Labor and Pensions

    Homeland Security

    Governmental Affairs

    He also became Chairman of the Senate's subcommittee on European Affairs.

    Senate Foreign Relations Committee,

    Obama has made official trips to

    Eastern Europe

    the Middle East

    Central Asia


    An impressive record, for someone who supposedly has no record according to some who would prefer that

    this comparison not be made public.

    Obama is not just a talker.

    He's a doer.

  6. Maybe she should take a ride out on that bridge of hers and take a look.

  7. The fact is is that even scientists are not all in agreement over this issue. So I don't think it makes a difference at all. It is one opinion that is shared by more than just her.

  8. she is probably glad that alaska is warming up a little bit.

  9. Shes the kind who would have been laughing at Noah when he was trying to warn the people that a great flood was coming...and if America came under attack and someone came and told her as president she would probably say "no we're not !"

  10. I think she is more concerned about the damage that will be done to this country if the pack of grifters and fanatics in the global warming crowd get their say.  Given her corruption fighting record I think the AGW crowd should be worried.  I'm praying for the day Al Gore gets indicted for fraud.  

  11. Oh no, Palin hasn't fallen for the global warming hoax.


  12. Myth 1: Scientists Agree the earth is warming.

      While ground-level temperature measurements suggest the earth has warmed between 0.3 and 0.6 degrees Celsius since 1850, global satellite data, the most reliable of climate measure-

    ments, show no evidence of warming during the past 18 years.

    Myth 2: Humans are causing global warming.

      A Gallup poll found that only 17 percent of the members of the Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Society think that the warming of the 20th century has been a result of greenhouse gas emissions - principally CO2 from burning fossil fuels.

    Myth 3: The Government Must Act Now to Halt Global Warming. The belief underlying this myth is that the consequences of near-term inaction could be catastrophic and, thus, prudence supports immediate government action.

      Governments can cut emissions now to approximately 9 billion tons per year or wait until 2020 and cut emissions by 12 billion tons per year.

    Either scenario would result in the desired CO2 concentration of 550 parts per million.

    Delaying action until 2020 would yield an insignificant temperature rise of 0.2 degrees Celsius by 2100.

    In short, our policymakers need not act in haste and ignorance. The government has time to gather more data, and industry has time to devise new ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

    Myth 4 -Human-Caused Global Warming Will Cause Cataclysmic Environmental Problems. Proponents of the theory of human-caused global warming argue that it is causing and will continue to cause all manner of environmental catastrophes, including higher ocean levels and increased hurricane activity. Reputable scientists, including those working on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the United Nations organization created to study the causes and effects of global climate warming, reject these beliefs.

    What does Global warming have to do with hurricanes??


  13. Yea! BIG GREEN and BIG MEDIA are the only ones left that believe in man-made global warming

  14. becasue america is the main culprit and its not prepared to do anything to cut emmisions, shes an ignorant fool

  15. What hurricanes? Contrary to all the GW alarmists' dire predictions, the number of hurricanes in the last few years has been DOWN. Since well over 30,000 American scientists (almost 10,000 with PhDs) have questioned whether global warming is manmade, I think Palin is in good company.

  16. Yes we do!

    BTW, there are just as many top scientists that DENY global warming is a man-made problem, and can actually benefit the environment.

  17. global warming is happening its part of the cycle of climate on is not man made.

    global warming is not anthropogenic

  18. I vited for Hillary if Fl and now will vote for  Sarah Palin ,,what we do not need is  Barack Obama

  19. Are you saying that the Ice Age ended because of Man?  Put your left hand in your pocket and pull out your RIGHT hand.  If you are able to do research you will see that the Earth has always been changing.  As far as hurricanes go, if you research that you will see that every 15 years we have bad hurrican seasons.  And before you have a chance to complain, Katrina was apart of this cycle.

  20. Yes, Sarah Palin is right. I smell Democrat desperation this morning.

  21. Let's see according to my Geology Professor. He as a PHD in Geology so he might know a few. Theirs only a 38%consensus about global warming. Scientist aren't sure. Also the Founder of the Weather Channel who has number of years on Global warming said it was a scam, and a Fraud and the only reason some scientist agree is that's how they get funding.  The earth has been heating and cooling for million of years.  Do humans have an effect on the eviroment? Yes Is Global warming proven to be man-made? No   Should we try to stop pollution? Yes. she doesn't defy anyone.

  22. I have a little news for you....there have been hurricanes for as long as there has been recorded history.  Besides...the "scientist" you are referring to is stating that the earth has actually cooled since its high temp in 1998.

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