
Sarah Palin?? Do we now have proof that George Mccain in demented?

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Hah, i meant John Mccain. But i guess its the samething. Mccain, mccsame, mccbush... is same.




  1. No it's not.

    Is this the immature Democrat mindset that wants to run a country?

    Shouldn't you be in school?

  2. picking a woman is being demented now?  I am not sure many will agree with you including myself.  

  3. no more so that obama's choice.     obama said he was for change outside of washington but yet he named biden for VP  if someone is porported to be an 1/8 of a bubble out of plum i would have to say that obama is the demented one    mr  doodles

  4. What happened to the show "Commander-in-Chief".  If you recall, she was a women.   I hope producers decide to put it back on air.  

  5. No, but you just proved that you aren't smart enough to write a complete sentence.

  6. Nope, but it proves Michelle Malkin was right about UNHINGED libs.

  7. The proof is in the pudding.  All republicans must be insane since they vote for Bushes.

  8. You own mother would be a powerhouse too if you elected her as Vice President...Don't under estimate the power of Palin..or your mother.

  9. Yes...he jumped the track on this one for sure.

    I can't imagine anyone equating Palin with Hillary.

    I guess to McCain...a skirt's a skirt.

  10. LOL, yes he is the most demented of all because he actually thinks he has a chance. The only thing that gives him any kind of chance is that the Bush family owns the only two voting machine companies. That is how Bush won.

  11. Read sarah and then you will get energized. She is Michael Jackson

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