
Sarah Palin Faults Barack Obama Promise to Talk With Iran Directly ... What George Bush Achieved by Threats?

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Iran insists on enriching their Uranium and looks like no body can stop them or dissuade them to stop.




  1. obama rocks, i sure hope he wins over mccain.. everyone who likes him should vote for him on this page (and get a free gift card!!).

  2. Well if it was good enough for Ronald Reagan to talk to the Iranians, why not Obama?

  3. Maybe if we elect a strong leader and support them we can encourage compliance with UN mandates.

  4. You would think Republicans would learn from thier own achievements. Diplomacy and Carrot waving achieved more in months than sabre rattling had in years in the case of North Korea. Bush's standout achievement in foreign relations seems to be something Republicans want to deny.

  5. We have been safe from Terror in America and Israel has been safe from Iran as much as expected.   We just don't want more harm done to innocent people-  if Obama thinks he can talk sense to Evil Obama has no sense.     They don't care what Obama thinks - unless Obama is a undercover Islamic?   Never know none of his friends after college were American, most Palistinians or terrorists or radical black lib theologists or islamic muslims.   He had no normal friends or American friends- wait- he had Ayers the bomber.

  6. He'll talk your ear off... he loves to talk!  ... until he's done building his weapon so he can wipe Israel off the map...

  7. You're soooooo right!  Just like Bill Clinton talking to Kim Jung Il kept him from acquiring nukes.  That worked out so well!!!

    Edit:  Oh... and by the way.. considering the current "success" re: No Korea.... wasn't it the liberals who criticized Bush for demanding the 6 party talks?!?!?!  They said he should "go it alone" and talk one-on-one with Kim Jung Il... exactly what Obama will do with Iran.  Bush, knowing this would be futile, refused, and now the 6-party talks are indeed producing results.  So, no... No Korea does NOT suggest that the Messiah "is onto something"

  8. Talking to Iran will do nothing.   Clinton talked to Al Qaeda terrorists and it resulted in us getting attacked several times, one of those being catastrophic.   To be honest, threats aren't going to help either.  If Iran is h**l bent on attacking Israel, which it seems they are, then it will take smart foreign policy maneuvers, much like Reagan demonstrated during the cold war, if we are going to be able to stop them at all.  Obama is NOT capable of those intricate and important and delicate types of foreign policy and it will be Obama dealing with it, not Biden.   Obama already proved that even with foreign policy advisors he is seriously lacking still in the foreign policy department, he demonstrated that with his original two stances on the Russia/Georgia conflict.    

  9. Because terrorist nations do not use common sense or tell the truth. Obama is very naive on this matter and also, we can not be playing pacifist to these nations, we need to be strong and firm, not sell the US out.

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