
Sarah Palin For President 2008?

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Did you know McCain's grandfather died at 63; father at 70; both from heart attacks? McCain is going on 72?

The choice of VP is an important issue not only because of the responsibilities but because McCain's family has a history of heart attacks; sorry to those offended by this probability, but it is possible he may not survive his administration.




  1. She could rival Dubya for the all time worst US President ever.  This should be interesting.

  2. Sarah??? LOL! President??? LMAOOOO!!

  3. Palin 2012 -- I doubt McCain will go for a 2nd term

  4. We have made advances in medicine and science since the passing of his father and grandfather...Also his mom is 96


  6. you might just be correct! however, mccain will not!! even win this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! election, so do not worry!

  7. No thank you.

  8. Well, considering that McCain gets angry and flies off the handle at the drop of a hat, I'd say he's a prime candidate.  

  9. Palin would make a great POTUS.

  10. Cool. I'm OK with her as President. Better than that fat witch Hillary or Obama

  11. Sure I could go for that.

    You seem to have forgotten his mother is in her nineties.  Try again.

  12. I fear for my childrens future with those two in office

  13. UuuuHuUUUUUU! I just gagged  

  14. Did you forget that McCain's mother is in her 90s??   Nice try!!    

  15. If she becomes president, Nancy Pelosi will be the vice president! Do repubs really want to vote for him!?  

  16. That man has been through a whole lot too. I bet he is a lot healthier than his grandparents and parents. Times are different.

    I have faith he will make it through his administration and if not Sarah Palin is a tough broad that could probably handle the responsibilities. President doesn't make all the calls, just the last one.  

  17. i think your assessment is fairly accurate and this is a legitimate concern among voters--palin could very well be president if elected on the mccain/palin ticket. Scary thought.

  18. This is pretty immature, to decide because you think he might die.  The man looks as healthy as any politician, more than most.  And I see that you conveniently left out the fact that his mother is 96 years old and still alive.  

  19. i give her 3 days till she gives it to the speaker of the house the job as the u.s. president. she couldnt handle it b/c of her family. especially her daughter and the father to her baby

  20. If McCain were to win, which he wont, and unfortunate circumstances led to Palin becoming President, I wouldn't be surprised if Republicans took credit for being the first party to have a woman President.

    That's Republicans for you: Disregard their mistakes and take credit for others accomplishments.

  21. If the uncivilized republican guy older than recently discovered dinosaur eggs were to win, a second term is less than guaranteed.

  22. A vote for McCain is actually a vote for Palin as president. The guy could drop dead anytime considering his temper.

  23. Good point.

    It is important to note too that McCain might not die; but, simply be incapacitated.  Then we could well have an acting President without all the powers of a President... although, in Palin's case, that might be a good thing.

  24. Well, look forward to a first Female President if he dies.

    Obama is already a very terrible candidate for president and so is McCain but at least McCain is capable of running the military. McCain did not want Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential pick. He wanted Joe Lieberman. And as insane as it sounds, even Joe Lieberman would have been a better choice than Sarah Palin. He would have been stronger on national defense. He would have been stronger on fighting Islamofascism. And for all his far-left views, he taught his daughter well enough so that she didn’t get pregnant as a teenager.  

  25. You are correct.  McCain might or may not make it through his term but in either case Palin is more qualified due to her executive experience as Gov. of Alaska, enjoying the highest approval ratings of any Gov while those in Congress/Senate are enjoying the lowest rating in history.  Obama and Biden are both part of the problem in Washington and the very justifiable low approvals from citizens across the US. Why do we want more of the same old promises, no concrete actionable descriptions of how any of Obama/Biden goals will be accomplished.    

    Its time we take our heads out of the sand and elect those that want and will make the tough decisions and changes and not listen to those that pander to all with empty, same-old, worn-out promises.  

    Obama is eloquent and intelligent but just look how he can not help but stumble on every sentence asked when not reading a tele-prompter.  Its not that he isn't intelligent, its the fact that he is always seeking to say the politically correct answer and not stating his true opinions.  

    Do we want to elect someone that will tell us everything we want to hear and accomplish nothing or someone that might accomplish 50% of what we want but we disagree with some positions.  

    Lets grow up and elect politicians based on their track record of change like McCain and Palin.  Neither are perfect but both real.

  26. Yes I've noticed that Palin overshadows McCain's own campaign. Perhaps the bar standards are set so low for Palin, that if she does well in tonight's speech; Republicans will yell success. This scenario isn't sitting well after Bush's Presidency.

    Obama-Biden 08

  27. Sarah Palin will be the first female President of the United States and shove it in the face of Hillary, ha ha ha!

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