
Sarah Palin For Vice President!?

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Anyone else ecstatic about her for McCain's VP?! I AM!

She is AMAZING! She is the perfect choice, no one saw it coming!

She has so much experience!

and Osama, ahem, Obama is cowering in fear! AND Did anyone see his set for his speech Thursday evening? Yeah, he thinks hes a Greek god or something, he spent so much money on that, OUR tax money! the a*****e.

I bet you his favorite possession is his mirror. He can take his Dumbo Ears and fly to France!

Anyway, Palin! She didnt wanna get an abortion when she found out her FIFTH child had DOWN SYNDROME!

But the liberals think that those babies are defective and should be painfully slaughtered! Well PALIN DOESNT KILL BABIES!!

hopefully abortion will be illegal!

Im so happy for mccain and proud of his decision!


Obama WHO?




  1. I think she is close to the perfect choice.  She is a pioneer woman.  Independent, honest, hardworking and a real patriot.  She is the REAL agent of change.

  2. Hahahahahahaha! Experience? In what? Governing a state who's population is less than that of Los Angeles County alone? Oh yeah she is ready to be VP alright! Hahahahahah! Poor McCain this only shows us how desperate he really is! I think a lot of his voters feel betrayed and they will be coming aboard now! I know I wouldn't be happy with an ex wanna be beauty queen! Hilarious! Keep on clinging honey because that is all you guys have now!

  3. what experience does Palin have?

  4. Actually it was more like, "Sarah who?" for about 98% of Americans this morning. Now (courtesy of Wikipedia, I'm sure), Palin is "the perfect choice." And your reference to Obama sounding like Osama really shows your appreciation for diversity and is VERY original! By that logic, we can expect McCain to kill his sibling.

  5. lol.  

  6. I hope more women are as enthused as you. All I've seen here tonight are vicious attacks A few actually questioned the birth of her child Trig.

  7. One, you just proved to the world your an ignorant tool by some of the substances in your question, and you yourself are living proof and product of the current state of US education system. So my suggestion to you is to read a book .

    Two, do you believe climate change is man made? well Sarah Palin does NOT believe so

    Three, McCain a hypocrite? thats right after months of bashing Obama on being too in experienced he brings someone with less than two years experience for governor of Alaska.

    Four, do you know what state the economy is in? do you know how vital this is to the future of your children (God forbid the ignorance you carry develops in them) but really? can you honestly tell me if America is better  than it was 8 years ago (before Bush came in office) , i challenge you and any Republican, name one policy change that has made America a stronger country, lets see we have record deficits, a dismal economy, more enemies. I welcome your challenge

    * Since you edited your question, let me edit my answer, you are more ignorant than I thought, do you even know Obamas policies before ranting on like an ignorant psycho. Obama has not made a decision on abortion, he will leave that to the States, so if that means for example if New York supports abortion and Florida does not that means if you want an abortion you would go to New York. Tried to make that simple and easy for you, but also a lesson that you should not critique someone before knowing what he is all about

    Lastly I want to add something, before you loosely throw out the word abortion like an imbecile,let me tell you what would happen if your were raped at young age? you get pregnant and you have no family no help ? scared... well thousands if not millions of women are facing these terrible ordeals and YOU are just throwing out the word baby killers attaching it with abortion. I really do think your mind is screwed up not in a mental way but like in a dumb way (uneducated way). And for the record I'm against abortion but just my opinion but for women who want to have an abortion I  nor YOU can NOT  even imagine what emotions they are going through because it is  a terrible ordeal for any woman even contemplating it. Before you keep displaying your ignorance it is a yahoo  board but have some respect.


    MCCAIN PALIN 2008!!!

  9. I won't vote for McCain. Sorry.

    I would rather vote for Bush/Cheney again if it's possible, at least I know already what they're capable of.

    McCain/ Palin=scary thought.

  10. Have you been living in a cave?  I saw this from a continent away and over a year ago.

    The VPOTUS of the United States was a mistake by our Founding Fathers since the role was to disperse powers among the states rather than conglomerate it.  

    I wish you best of luck in changing your sophomoric and myopic attitude about politics.

  11. ROTFLMAO !!!

    That was the funniest thing that I read tonite.  My God you are out of your mind !!  

  12. Take in consideration that she has 5 kids, one which is a 5 month old with special needs. I actually think she should be at home taking care of that child. That child will need an enormous amount of attention and care for the rest of his/her life. She won't have the time to do it as VP.  

  13. 'he wants to make friends with the terrorists'

    'the liberals think that those babies are defective and should be painfully slaughtered!'

    'Obama is a jerk. he supports abortion.'

    'he wants to kill unborn babies'

    Wow, those are some remarkable claims.  Interesting that you don't provide any support for them.

    As Obama said at Saddleback Church (transcript: ) his being pro-choice doesn't mean he's pro-abortion.  Obama wants to reduce the abortion rate, just like the rest of us.  He's just unwilling to take his anti-abortion stance so far as to make illegal a woman's choice in the matter, including in cases of rape, incest, or even the endangerment of the life of the mother.

    If you want to attack Obama for not making abortions illegal, then OK, fine.  If you want to scold him for not doing enough to combat the impulsiveness and short-sightedness that leads to so many abortions and an STD rate among teens of 25%, then OK, fine.  But passing on stuff that's just made up is a bit much.  Trying to keep others from breaking Commandment 6 doesn't give you permission to break Commandment 9.

    Slightly off-topic, it is interesting to note that McCain's saying to great applause at Saddleback that life begins at conception (actually it begins before conception; sperm and egg cells are respiring cells) of course doesn't reconcile with his support of embryonic stem cell research.  I don't think the subset of his voters concerned about prohibiting abortion are going to pick up on this discrepancy, so he probably netted political points with his two-word response.

    But back to the exceptions: note also that prohibiting abortion even in cases of rape, incest, of even the endangerment of the life of the mother has been in the GOP platform since at least 2000.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but that last prohibition dictates that, when both lives are in danger, the fetus's has primacy over the mother's?  I find this hard to believe.  Even parity seems a bit much.

    McCain scolded Bush in a 2000 debate for not knowing that the GOP platform did not make exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother.

    In '07, McCain exhibited the same hostility to the platform.  But in the past few days McCain has backed off his intent to change the platform language, just as the abortion attacks on Obama heated up.

    Mere coincidence?  Or just really, really good timing?

  14. "You cannot be serious" John McEnroe

  15. yes. i think it was a great choice too!

  16. That was mature of you calling Obama "Osama".

  17. Some people did see something "coming". Alaska has been in the national news lately. I think this is the real reason Bush and his gang decided to prosecute Senator Ted Stevens and also, Palin is giving away free money in Alaska under the guise of energy assistance. Dividends are coming early, etc. It was all planned in advance to boost her image. To make her look like she has experience doing something. Who is raising the child with Down Syndrome? Not her because she is busy with her career. Think about it.

  18. I think that Obama hit it out of the park last night when he made the statement that this election is about what the American people want in 2008. Bringing a right- wing, gun-packing, soccer-mom from Alaska onboard as a Vice Presidential candidate in hopes of pulling the Clinton vote appears to be "Carl Rove" business as usual and another insult to the voters of this nation on the part of the GOP. McCain and the rest of the Republicans really don't get it this time. What do we have to show for the past eight years of Republican control of the White House? We have an economy in the tank, a dismal decline in U S standing around the world, an unnecessary war Iraq for the benefit big oil, and a government that has been the most unresponsive to the electorate in the history of this nation since that of Herbert Hoover. The packed house in Mile High Stadium and the 35 million television viewers that watched Obama's speech last night should provide the Republican Party with a clue as to its aspirations for maintaining the Presidency. We're eight years overdue for a change and a McCain/Palin ticket isn't itThere is NO way any Clinton supporters are going to support McCain just because he picked a women. Clinton supporters will never support someone as right-wing and "out of the mainstream" as Paulin. Her husband is in big oil and she is against equal pay for women, a women's right to chose and g*y rights. She is Bush in a dress with NO experience in foriegn affairs, she has not met any foriegn leaders and with John McCain's age and health the fact that this completely inexpericed women could someday be president is unacceptable and frightning. This is not change this more of the same and enough is enough. VOTE OBAMA/Biden

  19. Alex, Obama did not spend our tax dollars, he spent money raised via private donations to the DNC. I support McCain and believe Sarah Palin is an amazing person who will make a terrific VP and/or President. Thank you for supporting McCain/Palin. Please try to keep the rhetoric real. Best wishes!

  20. Still calling Obama "Osama" eh? Yeah, you're opinion doesn't matter to me then.

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