
Sarah Palin??? How do we attack Obama for his lack of experience?

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If McCain does pick Sarah Palin, as all the news outlets seem to think will happen, how does Sen. John McCain expect his supporters to continue to attack his opponent for his inexperience? A Biden/Obama ticket might have just as much experience as a Palin/McCain ticket.

I am a proud conservative, but this guy just keeps making it harder for me to support.




  1. Your right  Sarah Palin has no experience. If McCain "kicks the bucket" Sarah Palin will have to take over.  

  2. She brings executive experience that none of the other candidates have.  Being a Senator is legislative but being a governor is a true executive position.  More Governors have been elected as President than Senators for that very reason.


  3. John McCain made an excellent decision in choosing Sarah Palin. It doesn't matter at ALL how LONG she's been Governor. It matters if she did a dang god job being one. And she's done an amazing job. She's smart, (pretty), and i'm HAPPY he chose her.

  4. I'm stunned and peessed!

  5. Well, to start, she's the VP and STILL has more experience.

  6. How are you people going so far as to say she has "MORE" experience??!

    She has been governor for LESS THAN 2 years!!  And of a state as polulated as Baltimore, about 1/5 the size of Chicago. AND before that she was "mayor" of a town of 5,000 people. 5,000!!!

    She has done well in things like budget cuts in her 1 1/2 years, but let's not get carried away. She is also big-oil & has been involved in a scandal in her 1 1/2 years too (trying to get a state trooper fired who "coincidentally" is divorcing her sister). Not very good news for GOP.

  7. Unlike the Obama/Biden ticket, the McCain/Palin ticket is the one with the experience at the top of the ticket.

    the Reps #2 is better qualified than the Dems #1.

    a pro-life fiscal conservative from an important issue state that is against taxes.  sounds good to me.  that Gov Palin is a woman is just gravy.

  8. Just one problem.....Palin is the #2 NOT the #1!

    She has also run a STATE!!!  Obama has run????  NOTHING!!!!!!  Sorry his "community leader" experience means little!

    She has a million times the experience that Obama has.  She has cut hundreds of millions in wasteful government spending, etc.....

    Sorry libs your lack of experience is still exclusive to your #1 Pick!!!!!

    Can we see a picture of the pillars crumbling at the Obamacropolis now????

  9. If you're a conservative, you should research a little more about her before making up your mind.

    You can find links to local Alaska media coverage of the announcement in the special Sarah Palin section on the front page of, including a link to the Anchorage newspaper's biography of her.

  10. She is younger and less experienced than the first-term Illinois senator, and brings an ethical shadow to the ticket. Just 20 months ago, she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of 6,500 where the biggest issue is controlling growth and the biggest civic worry is whether there will be enough snow for the Iditarod dog-mushing race.

  11. Alaska's state population would make it the 17th largest city.  It would be the 75th largest metro area.  Not exactly like being governor of California or something.

    She might be a good choice--but her EXPERIENCE is minimal.

    If it matters, he made a horrible choice.

    If it doesn't, the issue can only be raised by hypocrites and fools.

  12. i asked myself the same question. as an independent voter, i think  im going to vote for Obama. That woman has been in office for less than 2 yrs, MCcain's ambition is gonna make him pay for it... I was with him all the way.. but he messed up today so bye bye Mccain shame on you for choosing this hot , nice looking Big breast  binbo out of all people, but i must say she's hot  and young.

  13. It is a bit concerning that McCain picked a person with a year and a half experience as a governor to be the person who needs to take over at any second.

  14. 2 years as a governor or 2 years as a senator (Obama was only a senator for 2 years before he announced he was running).  Who has more leadership experience?

    When do you think yahoo will add Obama to the spell checker?  Guess they figure it is a waste of time

  15. Because She' The VP...Not The President. Anyways McCain Has All The Experience Needed. Even As The VP She Has Way More Experiece Than Obama

  16. I don't know but she is gorgeous  LOL

  17. You are right.  Palin gives the lie to the whole "inexperience" criticism.  I mean, her whole state is 22 years younger than McCain.  She was sworn in Dec 4 2006, so she's had less than 2 years as governor of a state with a population of about 670000.

    Here's McCain's real problem: he cannot win if he only carries the Republican base, and there's a tremendous distance between that base and the independents.  McCain hopes to pick up some independents and unhappy Hillary supporters.  I wish him good luck.  BTW, Obama will crush him in debates while Biden crushes Palin.

  18. At least Gov. Palin has some actual leadership experience.  Something we can not say about Obama or Biden.

  19. I am an independent and still undecided who will receive my presidential vote. However, when it comes to experience, there can be no question that Sarah Palin has significantly more applicable experience than Barrack Obama.

    She currently leads a military force (Alaska National Guard), her state borders two countries (Canada and Russia). Where she has more international experience than Biden and Obama (not sure about McCain) regarding international treaties and fishing rights.

    She makes more decision regarding the lives of military, civilians, courts, taxes, assistance, etc... in one week than any senator will make in their entire career (certainly more than Obama's 140 votes).  Moreover, she have more executive experience then Biden, Obama, and McCain combined.

    Also, President Clinton was ONLY two year older than Palin when he was President of the United States (not saying that was good or bad). Selling himself that he was a governor with executive experience. In addition, John F. Kennedy was President at 43 years old (a year younger than Palin is now).

    Finally, she has more experience with ethics then the two presidential candidates and Biden.

    I am still undecided, but there is NO question who has more experience.

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