
Sarah Palin? Learning McCain and America serious?

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OK so Sarah Palin is officially the Vice Presidential nominee. Is McCain joking? Is America seriously considering her? I knew nothing about her a few days ago but I am learning so much more, is she serious? She's dwelled in sports reporting, has a bachelor in science and took business administration, according to wikipedia and every other website. She doesn't give a $hit about Alaska's wildlife, and puts oil and big interests first. One of Alaska's most treasured animal, the polar bear, is of no importance to her. She won't even consider global warming is man-made. She thinks old men in suits should be able to tell a woman what she can do with her baby. And she wants creationism taught in public schools where all faiths attend? This is bull $****. I liked Romney, at least he's got economic experience. I feel sad this is the best we can do. How pathethic....your thoughts?




  1. I guess they are serious, we got this in the bag!

  2. I totally agree. I almost feel like it is time to celebrate Obama's victory, but i never want to underestimate the idiocy of an electorate that voted W in twice. Lack of experience and denial of basic science is actually a badge of honor for many conservative voters.  

  3. Pretty Scary Huh?

    its just the republicans way of disgracing women...all across the USA, they believe that us women will vote for McCain because of her, she is no match up against Hillary.

    And I may not think abortion is right...right or wrong that doesnt matter, but she wants to make it totally ILLEGAL, which i dont think that is right..this is America...if a woman is raped, or incest and becomes pregnant, she has the RIGHT to choose...Palin, doesnt agree. I dont like her for that very reason, she is trying to take rights away.....She will be a control freak.

    Im voting obama...ive heard lots of good things about Biden, and I know that Bill and Hillary are backing him...thats enough for me.

    OBAMA 08

  4. She has a B.A thats funny I remember the day that America wanted the most educated canidate to lead them, now as long as you drink and hunt.

  5. Yes, get used to it. Thank goodness she has more executive leadership experience than Obama.  

  6. What are you talking about. She raised taxes on big oil in Alaska. Exactually what Obama says he will do. She cleaned up corruption in her own party. The only thing I see here is a difference of opinion.  

  7. my thoughts are you have one sad life.

  8. you forgot to mention that 2 years ago she was Mayor of Podunk, Alaska and that she faked her recent pregnancy to cover for her 16-year-old.

    Also, when Cindy McCain was asked what foreign policy experience Palin has (on an ABC interview with George Stephanopolis) she actually said this: "You know, the experience that she comes from is, what she has done in government -- and remember that Alaska is the closest part of our continent to Russia."

  9. Yes I like Palin a lot and I think she was a great choice. Its about time we got a realistic candidate that has a hobby and lifestyle outside of politics. I like that she is family oriented. I have not done a whole lot of research yet on her pro-life status but I like that she has one. I don't agree on all parts of pro-life, like for rape or incest. But I think whores need to be held accountable for their sleeping around rather than kill their baby so they can sleep with the next p***s that comes down the pike.  

  10. Nice rant.  Why would McCain or any conservative care what an Obamaton like you thinks.  You sure think highly of yourself don't you.

    Well feel free to hate.  

    Funny how you didn't even have to identify yourself as a socialistic, foaming at the mouth liberal.  You just can't hide it.  Don't feel bad, none of your ilk can.

  11. I'm not nervous about Palin.  I thought McCain made a great pick because he just handed the election over to Obama.

  12. Yeah, they are serious.   I'm sure you're voting for the Obama anyway.

  13. Well, I never heard of Obama before he started running for president.   I still don't know much about him except that his pastor hates whites and America, his wife feels about the same and he smokes like a fiend.

  14. They're serious, as that heart attack McCain can have at any time.

  15. It was an irresponsible choice the borders on political malpractice.

    As a woman and an American citizen, I'm horrified that Palin is who McCain wants to entrust our welfare with should he ever be incapacitated.

    Apparently, having a set of ovaries is more important than foreign policy experience, economic know-how, and just plain understanding of the world at large.

    A man with Palin's credentials NEVER would've been nominated.

    McCain should be ashamed for pandering to women and thinking we're that stupid.

  16. Not pathetic.  You just disagree with her.  And I think it's pretty obvious you're a lib.

  17. Journalism degree.  She can also serve as press secretary.

  18. let's wait and hear more from Palin before we judge her


    Did you hear that?  Let me repeat:  On Friday, the Daily Kos posted an article that debunks the stories that the governor is covering up her daughter Bristol's pregnancy.

    By the way, no one has posted any evidence.  They keep posting links to photographs that supposedly show Bristol with a "baby bump" but they ignore that one of the "proof" pictures was taken before Trig was conceived.  

    Please do us all a favor.  Give us Governor Palin's thoughts and beliefs IN HER OWN WORDS.  A blogger's claim that "she doesn't care about polar bears" is not proof of anything.  Get her words, find her entire argument, put it in context.  

    Facts.  The whole story - not sound bites or factoids that can be misinterpreted.  All of it.  Then decide.  Just like those of us in the middle and on the right are doing.  

    EDIT:  Matt, you aren't paying attention.  None of the bloggers who criticize her have referenced any of the facts.  All they've done is post links to each other's opinions.  And all you're doing is repeating what other bloggers have said.  

    I have read about the polar bear issue, thank you very much.  And I happen to agree with her.  I've worked for environmental firms for quite a lot of the last 25 years and heard plenty of talk about global warming from real scientists who actually know something about it (unlike this document with the 1400 signatures that the libs keep yakking about, which they won't even admit is more than 50% people whose backgrounds have NOTHING to do with climate or environmental science).  

    Again, I don't care one way or another what you do or don't believe.  But don't post someone else's blog as "proof" of anything.  Go find her own words, and find EVERYTHING on the issue so you can put it in context.

  20. its amazing how nervous liberals are about Palin.

  21. My thoughts are you guys are getting really desperate to try these absurd smear tactics----will not work.

    McCain/Palin '08

    We WILL be taken seriously!

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