
Sarah Palin Sounds like an Angry Woman. Do you find her somewhat Bitchy?

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Sarah Palin Sounds like an Angry Woman. Do you find her somewhat Bitchy?




  1. I notice Obama sounds the same way when people talk about his ears, his middle name, his fathers' backgrounds, his wife, his associates, etc.  Maybe she doesn't appreciate being smeared either. It's funny how similar they are. (Except jOeBama probably isn't as good a basketball player as Sarah Palin)

  2. she"s not bitchy she speaks the truth

  3. you miss the greek columns and fireworks????????

  4. she sounded angry, bitter and condecending!

  5. No, not at all.  She is very interesting and obviously has a good sense of humor and a great deal of intelligence.  

  6. She just comes off as phony to me.  

    I thought her personal attacks on Obama made her look very much political....and went against all the claims of being a 'small town' hockey mom.

  7. Hmmmm lets see. She ratted out her own party. She tried to get her ex-brother-in-law fired. Now she is trying ro force a 17 year old boy to marry her daughter. I would say.......yes.

  8. Why is it that when a strong, confident woman is in the public eye, she must be referred to as "bitchy."

    She is nothing but strong, proud, competent, and the next VP of the USA!

  9. No...

  10. Actually, I thought she looked a bit ill a few times.  I think there were some things the repubs put in her speech that she would have just as soon left out...

    I kind of feel sorry for her.  

    But her voice does have a sort of screechiness to it that makes her sound a bit whiney/bitchy.

  11. As the other lady stated very coy and calculating and cautious sneaky

  12. I see her as vicious and sneaky, with an engaging smile...  

  13. Just doing her job as a VP Candidate.  They are supposed to be agressive and bitchy.  Biden will speak the same way.

  14. I find her strong and up to a good fight.  Down with out of control government!

  15. Yes, she sounded quite angry.

  16. / Typical uninformed guy.

  17. She does not sound angry nor bitchy.  She just wants to get into the VP office and help John McCain straighten out Washington!  And believe me, it needs a complete house=cleaning mostly in Congress!

  18. She's got good cause considering how she's been treated.

    However, note that a man doing the same thing would not be questioned about it.

  19. I sure didn't get that warm motherly feeling from her.

  20. I think she's awesome.  As VP she needs to be a bulldog not a Betty Crocker.  She did a great speech, she sounded honest and like she meant her words.  Her speech made me like her more.

  21. Yes definitely--it was uncalled for to insult Obama by saying his job as a community organizer wasn't a "real job!"

  22. I didn't get this  from her. But I didn't a whole alot of attention to her.

  23. that would be hillary ... sarah is just .. refreshing

  24. No. She just doesn't pull any punches. Unlike Obama who just says what people want to hear. Palin=truth Obama=empty rhetoric.

  25. If only her powers could be used for good.

  26. Is it my imagination or is she doing alot of mud slinging?

  27. NOT AT ALL!

    She is the most genuine, real woman I've seen in politics so far!

  28. Isn't it funny when a man is assertive, he is like "wow, what a confident, assertive guy... blah blah," but when a woman is confident, and assertive she is a *****?

    I liked her sarcasm, confidence, and her "right back at ya media" attitude.  

  29. I disagree.  I think she came across as anything but - she showed humor and substance.  Now I don't think there's a chance in h**l I'll vote for her/McCain... not an Obama fan, just don't think I can vote for someone that is anti-choice and the whole recent book banning story scares the living c**p out of.   But I thought she did what she set out to do.... I think 50% of the speech was BS, but feel the same about Obama's. ... it's politics.. BS abounds, democrats and republicans alike.

  30. every woman is bitchy.

    but she's intelligent, she knows wtf she is talking about, she is supportive to others, she works hard for everything she has attained, she's freakin' amazing.


    and mccain...

    but i like palin more.

  31. Her voice, her voice, my Lord, her voice is annoying.

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