
Sarah Palin = affirmative action recipient ?

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Are the Republicans claiming Palin is a better choice than Romney or Pawlenty ? Considering that both of those men have many more years of public and private sector experience, the pick of Palin certainly isn't based upon merit. This is another raw deal against middle-aged white males !




  1. That would imply that the Republican party actually was interested in promoting a woman to right previous inequalities.  Nah.  It was just pandering to any frustrated Hillary voters who think the most important issue in the election is how many X chromosomes the candidates have.

  2. Boo hoo.  Shed your tears and cry me a river. He chose who he chose.  It's not your decision or anyone else's.   Romney would have been a "safe" choice, but it wouldn't have energized the ticket the way Palin did.  Romney is wealthy; Palin worked her way up.  White men have been running this country from the beginning.   it's not "Affirmative Action"; she didn't fulfill a quota.  The same thing could be said of Obama, you know.  

  3. If McCain would have chosen Romney the Democrats would have tore him apart, he is from big business and he has laid people off work to make the bottom line look good and Pawlenty didn't have anymore experience than Palin. Palin is what will push McCain over the top and everytime i see a crude vicious remark about Palin it just convinces me more she is a winner. If you want "Affirmative Action" this question should be directed to Obama.

  4. I guess that means that Obama is an affirmative action recipient as well.  Are you just a backwards hick or just stating your own beliefs?  I feel that she has more governing experience than the 2 congressional lifers and the wanna crook.  

  5. she took on big oil? her husband works for BP

  6. Ouch.

    Nice catch! Let's see them all back-pedal on this one....

    You know their philosophy, right? "It's OK when it benefits one of us."

  7. Oh well.  Middle aged woman have been putting up with these raw deals for quite  a long time now.

  8. Ouch!  That does seem to be a contradiction of the GOP campaign against "affirmative action".  Shouldn't some very qualified white males out there be truly upset that they have been pushed to the side?  Tsk.Tsk.

  9. You're confusing her with Obummer.

  10. exactly!

    it's ironic that republicans complain about affirmative action for minorities when Obama earned the nomination on the democratic side.

    Palin is just an affirmative action candidate in a dress!! they are hypocrits

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