
Sarah Palin: all attack and no substance?

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Typical of the republican party. Did anyone learn anything new?




  1. Well mccain wants to bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb baboom Iran when he becomes president:

  2. No. I thought she was pathetic. Just attacks and one-liners, with nothing of substance. And her attacks were mostly lies. Sarah Palin, not the best America has to offer. No vision for the future.

    Obama/Biden 08

  3. Politics as usual.

    Well,I would have liked to hear from her, not some famous speech writer.

    Plus I'd never vote for a conservative, who stresses family and moral values. But then, they take you inside their home, and the 17 year old is stretched out on the couch, knocked up..

  4. They can't even get their facts straight.

  5. Nope. First she talked about what a great hockey mom she is, and then She just made random rude uncalled for comments.  

  6. A pit bull with lipstick on still has a wolf mentality.

  7. Basement posters - all attack and no substance. McCain and Palin are going to win, depsite your efforts.

  8. I learned that you are a fool if you want Obama as President.  He'll raise your income taxes, inheridence taxes, windfall profit tax on oil companies who will pass it on to us, world tax for the Africans.  

  9. Yes...GO OBAMA!!

  10. Your candidate is Obama and you are complaining about no substance - LOL!

  11. I think you are confusing her with Obama.  

  12. A little too typical. Would expect more from a newbie.

  13. She makes a good speech but her opinions are pretty much down the line right wing views - hardly a maverick.

  14. She never spoke on the war,economy, health care, education, job loss, ya know the things most Americans are worried about.  I get it McCain was a POW, we get it. He's a hero.   But what else?

  15. Yes typical. Nothing was ever stated about key issues. Just an attack on Obama.

  16. Yes. Her substance is her family and her values. She has no political substance at all. She says she did a lot for Alaska, but she actually supported building the 300+ million dollar bridge until it became the target of national disgust and then she switched her view.  

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