
Sarah Palin and abortion?

by Guest65900  |  earlier

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It seems as though so many women are excited about Sarah Palin....I can't seem to understand why women would want someone in such a high position who is very strongly against abortion even in rape or incest cases. She also opposes birth control. Why are women so all about her? Just because she is a woman?




  1. She had 5 kids, one with Down Sydrome and is not struggling on a middle class income.  Abortionists cry abortion in case of children with birth defects and bloated families cause poverty.  There is over one million abortions a year (average of 1.2 million since Roe vs. Wade) in the U.S. and there are 32,000 pregnancies resulting from those rapes (this includes statutory rape). 50% of those were aborted and 50% were carried to term.  So abortion from rape is just 1.3% of all abortions in the U.S. per year.

  2. You are going too far on her position.  Your sources?  

    Maybe because women who have given birth and men that have been part of the the process see in sonograms beating of a heart in a something the size of a kidney bean.  A bit later react to light, heat and cold.  How does a vegetable in intensive care with fewer signs of life have more rights then an unborn child?  Roe v Wade occurred before humans really understood how human life progressed.  

  3. I'm not.

    Just like having ovaries should disqualify you from being VP, they aren't

    qualifications enough to be VP.

    It's an irresponsible choice for several reasons.

  4. The women who are excited about her either: 1) agree with her narrow stand on abortion and birth control, 2) don't know her stand yet to decide if they agree with it or not, or 3) shouldn't be voting at all if they are excited just because she's a woman and they aren't willing to look any deeper into the issues.


  6. probably she's the first real woman on the campaign trail since libby dole

  7. Most feminist would rather vote for a woman who is against all there veiws and not for a man who is for their views just to have the first women anything.

    Yep its a very sad thing.

  8. No because She has ethical principals,just like your Mother probably has,you werent aborted were you.

  9. Where did you read that she opposed birth control?  I have not read that.  Could you provide a link to the article stating those views?  I would like to read all I can about her.

    I don't believe that she opposes abortion in cases of rape and/or incest.  Again, do you have a link?  

    The fact that she is strongly against abortion does not concern me.  I am pro-choice, but do not believe abortion is an alternative to birth control.  I do not feel threatened by Sarah Palin.

  10. Because this it's a woman choice is bull It is a baby not a clump of cells

  11. maybe because some women realize that that child growing in her belly is a PERSON and not just a part of her anatomy

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