
Sarah Palin calls Hillary a Whiner-Just Like Phil called us?

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I'm MAD!-Forget PALIN!

Phil Gramm called us a Nation of Whiners Now Palin Attacks Hillary

Why should Hillary supporters Flock to Sarah Palin?




  1. Get over it... Ya big Whiner.

  2. some hillary supported are so infuriated by mccain's gesture that they've started donating to Obama en mass

  3. source? Palin praised Hillary. Don't push Gramm's comment onto her.

  4. Hillary supporters would be well served to embrace her.

  5. Palin is a joke.  I hope Hillary supporters don't just run to the McCain ticket because of that.

    lol, I know I'm going to get thumbs downs from the Right-Wing Deluded Nutjobs.

    lol, but "Palin", wow horrible decision

  6. So you are mad because she called the runner up in an election a whiner?

    give me a break!

    Hillary supporters are not expected to flock.  To be honest, most Hillary supporter are pro choice, are against gun ownership, do not want to drill and are green peace, Hillary is against the death penalty..  Sarah Palin is pro life, pro gun ownership, wants to drill and believes the world will take care of itself. She is FOR the death penalty.  She was chosen to secure the conservatives as that is their core beliefs.

  7. Hillary is a whiner

  8. OOOOOOH! Doesn't Palin know why she got the VP nomination in the first place?

      Her job is to attract the Hillary supporters - not REPEL them!

      What would she be without Hillary Clinton?


  9. Watch the full video in context.... She says she doesn't like the whining of sexism by Clinton in the campaign. She feels that women need to fight through all these injustices and not bring them up.

  10. Hillary supporters will not flock to support Sarah Palin.  In fact, most of them are insulted that McCain would think they would consider Palin anything more than a pretty woman, while Hillary is an intelligent, educated and articulate woman very capable of running the country.

    Do men like John McCain, who seems to have a low opinion of women, really believe they would jump to the support of any woman, regardless of experience, education or knowledge?  

    I have news for him.  American women are smarter than that, undoubtedly smarter than McCain!

  11. Hillary supporters should vote based on policy, just like everyone else.

    McCain/Palin 2008  

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