
Sarah Palin - democrat reactions to her appointment are Sexist and Classist?

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so, how exactly are the Democrats a more Progressive party to the GOP then ?!




  1. Being a woman does not make her automatically fit for the job. Get a clue. It is not sexist to dislike a choice of a person that is not up to possibly running this nation, not to mention the fact that she is a hard right conservative and we have certainly have had enough of that mind set for the past eight years. If something doesn't work, don't do it again.

  2. Neither.  Palin is quite extreme in her social views.  That's reason enough to oppose her.

  3. Choosing a woman to try and win over female voters is sexist. Hillary and Obama have almost the same stances on every issue. Hillary and Palin are the exact opposite on every issue. If you think women who supported Hillary are fickle and going to cut and run to support Palin simply because she's a woman, then that is sexist.

  4. Objections to Palin are based on her inexperience, her apparent abuse of her office of Governor and her ultraconservative views, not her s*x or class.  

    You suggestion that they support Palin just because she's a woman seems sexist to me.

  5. You're right.  Just 2 minutes ago here in Y/A, I saw one of them say that a responsible mother would not run for office but stay home and raise the kids.

  6. Unlike Republican reactions to Obama's as Racist and Elitist.  All's fair in love and politics.

    I think you better get a tougher skin, as I feel this is just the tip of the ice berg as far as Palin in concerned.

  7. he chose her to bring in the right ...not women...he floated got shot down

  8. It's distasteful that liberals who support woman are attacking her. Well the Obots slandered Hillary as well so I guess they support women staying in the kitchen.  

  9. Will you Republicans stop whining?

    After being soooooooooo nice to both Obama (Black) and Clinton (Woman) you lot should just shut up and take your medicine.

    Now your own tactics are 'off limits'?


  10. I don't think the Democratic party would even want these people's support.

    To the guy that answered this question by claiming Palin is a w**** to the oil industry, you have no clue what you are talking about.  

    "She stood up to the powerful oil industry, and with bipartisan support in the statehouse she won a tax increase on oil companies' profits."

  11. I am not a Democrat.  But I don't like Sarah Palin because she is a w***e for the Oil Industry (Like all politicians from Alaska and Texas).

  12. Hmmm comparing Lynne Spears parenting skills to Sarah Palin's parenting skills is off base?   They are remarkably similar.

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