
Sarah Palin --- good pick or not? why?

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Sarah Palin --- good pick or not? why?




  1. I think she is a great pic because she is cute! Can't wait to see her become prez when McCain keels over, accepting the position wearing polar bear fur lined booties and a cute snowsuit

  2. bad pick, because yes she has experience, but it is experience of making the wrong  decision. She was for the bridge to no-where before she was against it.

  3. Great pick, at least one outsider

  4. Good pick. We need to start changing our habit of only nominating Washington insiders. Like her or not she is at least disconnected from the machine that has let us all down for so long. That much we should all be willing to enjoy.

    Tabbi: you sure have a wide range of issues you care about there. Please. Just stay home in November and let us worry about what really matters in todays America.

  5. Sarah Palin maybe a good speaker but she is not a good decision maker at all.

    She may be good for some  TV show no more.

    The US deserves better choice  than those 2 jokers McCain and Palin

  6. Great pick.  She's a good partner for old, experienced John. She's young, fresh, bright and strong.  She will shake it up and kick ****where it needs kicking.

    And at least now the media is actually acknowledging a Republican candidate.  It is refreshing to hear something other than the "Glory to Obama" reports non-stop.

    And for those who want a change!  She doesn't look like the presidents on the dollar bill.  She will make history as the first female VP.

    (I don't know why the Dems are into bashing females and killing babies anyway.  They had their woman candidate and threw her under the proverbial bus.)

  7. Excellent choice. She is just like the rest of America. And finally we will have a true representative in Washington to champion our causes instead of the special interest groups.

  8. Not a good pick.

    She said she didn't even know what the vice president does everyday!

  9. Great pick. We will now have REAL change in the whitehouse.  

  10. She is not a good pick for me. I do not believe abstinence only preaching is a good idea. I do not think we should not have birth control. I do not believe we should make abortion illegal.  

  11. The PICK is McCain who will be mentoring a qualified, bright, and energetic Palin.

  12. Noooo she's like a n**i

  13. Good cause the left are panicking, and she's more experienced than the Obama himself

  14. Trick question? Its a brilliant pick.

    10% of democratic women will vote for her for starts. Wait until she starts ridiculing Pelosi when she's in the white house. Its going to be fun.

  15. I think she is a good pick. But I wish Obama had picked her =(  

  16. NOT - she is a lair - plain and simple!

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