
Sarah Palin has been married to the same man for 20 years, will that cause fainting in the Obama camp?

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Doesn't that just prove what an evil woman she is? She should follow the lead of great Americans like Sheryl Crow, who seem to have a new boyfriend every few months. Or Sean Penn, who gets divorced from Madonna after a year or two and just called it quits on his second marriage. There are plenty more leftist icons to emulate, those are just examples.

Mrs. Palin, shame on you!!




  1. I'm confused , is McCain a leftist?  He claimed he was divorcing Carol while shacking up with Cindy.  He married Cindy 5 weeks after his divorce was final.  Now that really sounds like some Brittney Spears stuff.

  2. Huh? I wouldn't go there if I were you.

    Obama's been married to Michelle for like 17 years. Biden has been married to his wife for 25 years.

    McCain is the one who abandoned his wife for a younger, prettier, richer women.

    What does Sheryl Crow and Sean Penn have to do with anything?

  3. Ok Seriously, what does her being married for 20 years have to do with anything?  What matters to me is that here we have a governor of an oil rich state whose husband is in oil production for one of the biggest oil producers in the world.  And this is who McCain picks as his running mate.  Does anyone out there smell a rat??  We have been ruled by oil prices and it has driven our country into a recession by greedy politicians.  I think they have just decided to continue the legacy George Bush has been creating for the past 8 years.  Yeah I want to vote for that.  NOT!!!!  

  4. She doesn't believe in Science. That's enough against her.

  5. Oh yeah, I remember 'the memo guy'. I remember him asking the most stupid and foolish of questions, just way there. It makes me think he isn't even being paid his questions are so way out there.

    You must have grabed one of Obama's messages by mistake, because it is John McCain, not Obama, who likes to sleep around when he is married and trades in the old wife for a new rich one.

  6. ? what are you talking about your all over the place....

  7. hee hee hee---I expect there will be a whole lot of bed-wetting tonight.

    The far left can't handle the fact she had 5 legitimate babies by just one single man and is an incredibly strong Lady who will cross party lines when necessary to avoid pandering to Big-Oil and other special-interest groups and gives new legitimacy to the Republican party at a time when we will benefit by her superior executive leadership abilities. Sean Penn--go back to Syria and eat your heart out! Sarah Palin will be our next Vice President.

  8. Obama has only been married once.  So has Hillary.  Joe Biden is a widower who remarried.  In fact, none of the leading candidates for president prior to Iowa where married more than once.  You can't say that about the republicans.  Need I remind you of Rudy's public humiliation of his second wife by announcing at a press conference that he was divorcing her so he could marry his third wife?

    You're attempting to use sarcasm to accuse Dem's of being morally inferior to republicans.  The facts don't support you.

  9. Yes she has been married for 20 years. Is that enough to make her vice president

  10. And shame on Barack and Michelle for their 16 years of marriage!

    And shame on Joe and Jill Biden for their 31 years of marriage!

    And go John McCain for cheating on and divorcing his first wife for a younger, richer one!

  11. WHAT?

  12. You sound like a silly goof but thanks for the ~P smile

  13. What about Dr. Ron Paul? He didn't accept money from special interests and is married way over 30 years.

    What about that huh? But you IDIOTS are dumb enough to follow the media like the SHEEP you are.

    You DESERVE these two S****y choices.  

  14. Yes - it's unheard of in the liberal community!

    Another liberal sin - she had a Down Syndrome baby alive!

  15. Wow, the same s*x for 20 years, that must suck.  But he must be putting some good on her she 14+ over 30 and got a brand new baby. What was the point of question?

  16. Your a troll and an idiot. Obama and Biden both have successful marriages and neither cheated on an ailing first wife and later married their sugar momma.

  17. Yes.

  18. Yeah, what's your point? Biden's been married to the same woman for 30 years, after his 1st wife and baby daughter died. Obama's been married to the same woman for 17 years...

    You haven't been listening to what Obama supporters' tone is. Rightly or wrongly, the fact that McCain cheated on and left his crippled wife has been a point of mockery within the supporters. Their little slogan is "One House, One Spouse".

    Though I'm an Obama supporter, I think my fellow supporters take it too far with the houses issue.

    But it is ironic that you point this out when McCain is the adulterer.  

  19. Leftists are always humiliated when morality rears its ugly head. And Joan there is plenty of science besides that which you've been brainwashed.

  20. the obama campers have enough supply of kool aid to deal with the anxiety.

  21. Talk about evil;

    She got pregnant 5 times and HAD THE BABIES DELIVERED.....ALIVE!!!

    Libs are beside themselves today.

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