
Sarah Palin has brought much change, but has Obama?

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Which is more likely to make reform and change happen on the beltway. Isn't it time for the earmark era and deficit budgets to change? Palin means reform and that is why McCain chose her, isn't it? She lives it and others just talk about it. Want real change and reform or more bs?




  1. thats why the liberal media is trying to destroy her at all costs. they are afraid.

    i was going to vote independent until McCain nominated her. now i am gonna vote for the McCain Ticket.

    She has way more experience than Obama

  2. No.  Obama only preaches about change.

  3. N O ! !

    I am afraid of what JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama will do TO America !!!

    Obama is going to give our sovereignty over to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama.


  4. Sarah Palin is a George W. Bush "small government," "low deficit," Republican.

    She left Wasilla with over $22 million in debt.  It needed a sewage plant, but she decided to build a sports complex, instead.

    She fired the heads of various departments in Wasilla because they didn't support her election.  She needed to get a city manager to help her deal with a city of less than 7,000.

    She wanted books banned from the library in Wasilla, but the head of the department did not want this to happen.  She almost fired this person, but the folks rebelled and Palin was almost recalled as city mayor.

    What an excellent choice McCain made!

  5. Palin yeah ... so much change  , she doesn't want people to wear condoms , she's anti-abortion even in case of rape or incest , she wants kids to learn stupid creationism , she doesn't know what the VP does , she's under investigation for abuse of power and the list could go on forever , yeah that's the change we need ....

  6. Ok give me some examples of her change.

    Yeah I didn't think so!

  7. Yes those politician with 20 times the experience and 50 times the clout are just going to fall right in behind Sarah when she  gets her flute out.

  8. Reform? Oh yeah! She was 100% for the "bridge to no-where" and now she is 100% against it! Yep, that's reform alright, yesiree bob! Indictments for corruption? Who her? Aw, no way! She's the reform candidate - can't be no corruption there, nosiree bob, not her!  

  9. I agree!  McCain/Palin

  10. you will certainly have to elaborate on exactly what kind of change Palin stands for?.  To my knowledge to date, change is nothing something one would express when talking about her.  Conservative ultra style yes, but certainly not change.  Conservatives really do not like change.  Example: past decade.

  11. Here's a little about Palin's earmark history.

    Sounds like reform to me.

  12. I don't know if it's a fair comparison. I mean Obama has probably changed his socks daily for a while now. Hey, that's changing something! Plus it shows his good judgment and decision making skills are far superior to Gov. Palin. Get for real, how much experience could she have changing socks? Obama wins that one, hands down.

  13. She needs to reform her family,

  14. he changed me from being Democrat to Republican =D

  15. "Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin employed a lobbying firm to secure almost $27 million in federal earmarks for a town of 6,700 residents while she was its mayor, according to an analysis by an independent government watchdog group. "

    Aren't earmarks wasteful spending?  Isn't this fact about Palin the exact opposite of what you stated in your question?  

    Ya she lives it alright.  She is just your everyday unethical politician.  She is being investigated for abusing her power as governor.  Furthermore, the state is paying for her attorney.  Conflict of interest?  I'd say so.  You would think that her being investigated on an ethics charge that she would pay for the lawyer out of her pocket.  Typical politician.

    Obama has brought about change to Chicago both as a community organizer and as a Senator.  He has brought change as a US Senator as well.  It is your job as a voter to investigate what the candidates have done.  

    Obviously, you have not done your homework on Sarah Palin.  I'm sure a lot more dirt is going to come out on her.  

    McCain did not choose her for reform.  You are wrong again.  McCain chose her to pander to women voters.  Hillary supporters in particular.  McCain thinks women are stupid enough to fall for his political move.  He spoke to Palin twice before choosing her as VP.  Some judgment!  Look at Obama.  He showed wise judgment by picking the best person who complements him.  He did not choose someone who would help win him votes.  He chose someone who would help him lead this country.  McCain chose Palin to win votes.  He did not choose her to help lead this country.  Do you see the difference?  

    I want change, but what exactly does McCain want to change and reform?  Obama has talked extensively about that.  McCain is now stealing Obama's theme.  What else will he steal?  Can McCain come up with his own ideas?  Without knowing what and how McCain means by change, then how do you know that change is what you want? Or what America wants?  McCain will just give you more bs!  Obama will bring about the change this country so desperately needs.  

    Sarah Palin has NOT brought about change!  All she brings to the table is some family baggage and an unethical abuse of her power as governor.  That is not the change we need!  

  16. For Sarah it's all hype. She is in the pocket of the oil companies. Don't believe what you hear. That is why she is ALL for drilling for oil and NOT for protecting the natural wilderness for Alaska. She doesn't want to believe that global warming is real because it goes against her best interests. Money talks!  

  17. Sarah Palin doesn't even know what VP's do...

  18. obama already answers to too many people. he seems to be so focused on maintaining his status as 'most popular' that i don't even see him as a president. just a 'representative' of what were looking for. but she is the real deal. she has already shown who she is and what she will do. i think she would scare washington..i'm not sure what obama would offer once elected.

  19. Palin wanted to "reform" certain books out of the local library when she was mayor. She also "reformed" a state commissioner to joblessness after that commissioner refused to "reform" her ex-brother-in-law out of a job. She also "changed" her party affiliation to republican from wignut separatist movement.  

  20. She is Governor of state that has a 5 billion dollar surplus from oil revenue.  On top of that each person who lives there gets $1600 a year for living there including children. And then they get $1200 more for an energy rebate.  All from the state oil trust. C'mon it must be hard to reform with the population of a sizable city and 5 billion dollars.  Tested by fire- wow.  Exxon & Alaska to reform the USA- great!!!!

  21. She has brought her family drama which should have remained private.  

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