
Sarah Palin is the anti-Hillary!!!!!!!!!!!?

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Who agrees with me? Sarah Palin is the answer for millions of women who do NOT like Hillary, but LOVE the idea of a woman in the White House. Now, VP is not president, but it's a start. It's also NOT Hillary. It's a woman after my own heart. She kicks butt, she loves kids, she hunts, for crying out loud. No wuss there. Terrorists, beware! With McCain/Palin, you have met your match.




  1. I'm sorry but as a mom I think her special needs baby should be her priority.  I'm not even a conservative.  Just think how they feel.  I would have more respect for a woman who wanted to spend every waking moment with her young children than one than hired nannies and worked 70 a week.  Poor kids.  Hillery would have been a better VP or President.  She has always had her priorities strait.

  2. The only problem is some women think its ok to kill babies. Women who define their political lives by fighting for infanticide will not vote for McCain.

  3. Fortunately, most women are completely against denying women's rights to choice. Fortunately, most women will learn of Palin's dismal abortion stance, not to mention her other uber religious views, and they will steer clear of her. Palin is opposed to ALL forms of abortion, including cases of rape, incest, birth defects, or to preserve the mother's health or life. Correct, Palin is NOTHING like Hillary....she is far far worse for women.

  4. PPPPLease get a life.

  5. agree.

    1000000 times better than clinton

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