
Sarah Palin looks absolutely adorable!! Should I change my vote from Alan Keyes to McCain-Palin?

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Or, should I see how cute Keyes' running mate (if female) is?

Since I live in the swing state of Massachusetts, I know my one vote can make a difference!

BTW: How long will yahoo show Palin as a misspelled word??

Like Obama!





  1. No.

  2. Are we voting for a PlayMate of the Year?

  3. Looks, colour, s*x, image - How about policy being the number 1 concern?

    The sound bites of blair - just beware. The US have a tough choice.

    I would vote for neither.

  4. No, a man of principal does not change his vote based on looks. On al the important issues that made you decide to bravely support a third party candidate John McCain will have the last word.

  5. Now you can do what's right for your country (vote Republican) and get some eye candy to boot.

  6. Lol. Does Alan Keyes even believe woman should be anywhere other then barefoot in the kitchen? I love the sarcasm of your question, although she honestly is a milf.

  7. Yes because you think just like McCain.  How will your way of thinking help make a difference in this country.  Somebody needs to pay attention to the real issues affecting this country.  Does anyone care that McCain supports viagra and is against birth control? Maybe he should have chose you as his running mate, his fate would be the same regardless.

  8. If you're voting for a candidate because you think they're "adorable", then you deserve the awful administration McCain will bring you.  


    If you like chicks under criminal investigation

  10. Yes, please do.  I love Alan Keyes also, and am hoping he'll receive a cabinet appointment.

  11. Five kids...she found something she likes to do.

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