
Sarah Palin.......reaction to..........?

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Are the democrats afraid now that McCain has chosen such a wonderful VP ?? Are they dialing '911'?.......having panic attacks, lying awake at night in cold sweats.......? Your opinion, please ?




  1. Yes - Palin is a Great choice and she will make a Wonderful VP (and future President)! It just goes to show that McCain is a true maverick & genius!


    * has the record of the most beloved Governor in the US by her state (Alaska)

    * is a vocal, huge proponent of American energy independence

    * has actually been leading people for the past several years, while Obama & Biden have been leading NO one!

    * shelved her state's pork-laden Bridge to Nowhere that McCain has ridiculed on the trail

    * will join McCain in fighting hard against earmarks

    * is about as far outside the Beltway as you can get

    * ran on the agenda of stopping wasteful gov't spending

    * is the mother of 5 kids!

    * has had her son deploy to Iraq

    * is for a strong US defense

    * is an ice fisherman

    * is a moose hunter

    * is a small business owner and a lifetime NRA member

    All in all, she's a truly fine leader, citizen and patriot - who truly represents Americana (Motherhood & Apple pie)!

    McCain/Palin '08


  2. I love his pick. Very slick.  

  3. It is one more thing that makes McCain a liar about - the necessity of political and foreign policy experience.

  4. I'm a democrat and quite honestly I'm not having panic attacks and the only sweats I'm having are because of my 50+ year old menopausal body.

    I think Sarah Palin is a real firecracker and I look forward to seeing what she can do in the next few months to shake up our 'good ole boy' political system.

  5. You can see the shear panic in the Dems.. It's halarious.

  6. More like what was he thinking? Gov. Palin is under investigation on corruption by the state of Alaska. Did McCain even attempt to vet her? Or at least tried to Google her? Oh, sorry, I forgot McCain doesn't now how to Google.

  7. This is the best news i have heard since the wright, ayers stuff came out

  8. McCain?  No worry, no sleepless nights and no panic attacks.  Mrs. Palin does resemble his first wife, hope he treats her with respect.

  9. You can't be serious.  This is the biggest lack of judgment McCain has shown to date.  A wonderful VIP??  Perhaps for Fantasyland at Disneyworld, but not for the U.S. -- not with all of the serious debt, war, and other issues we are dealing with due to the incompetence of the Bush regime.  McCain faults Obama constantly about his "lack of experience", even though, on the NATIONAL level (not to mention his experience before he was elected to the Senate), Obama has eight years experience in the U.S. Senate and was educated at the best universities with degrees in international studies and law.   Sarah Pallin? A  degree in Journalism and a stint as a broadcaster after being first runner up to Ms. Alaska, then two years as Mayor of Hoboken somewhere in Alaska and Governor since 2006.  Don't get me wrong, I applaud her accomplishments, but there is no way she is ready to step in as President if McCain keels over from old age.  I think McCain just gave away the election to Obama and that's okay with me.  Pallin turned me off already when I saw her with her AK-47 over her shoulder at the shooting range on CNN this evening.  How pathetic.  In her own words, "I'm a hockey mom from Alaska, not one of those movers and shakers".  

  10. All you have to do is read the panic in many of these questions to know the Dems are in an uproar. Palin was a brilliant choice.

  11. america is screwed

  12. Yes they are. Look at the really nasty attacks. They shaking in their boots. I mean they can't even stay away from the foul language when they talk about it.

  13. An Alaska Republican. Big oil. Oh, how predictable.

  14. Exceptionally good choice, exciting too!

  15. Im a dem I liked McCains chocie I was for Hillary Im going for McCain I agree with him he has more exp

  16. I don't think I would qualify being a mayor of a town of 6000 or the governor of a state with a population less than most major cites as wonderful.

  17. I think she's an excellent choice. Now we'll get to see the sexism that's so rampant in the democratic party up close.

  18. No, that sneaky ***** will find a crack in the ceiling big enough for her to weasle her way through.

    We're not scared, but you better bet your little *** off that many women are offended for the McCain campaign thinking they're so stupid to just vote in ANY woman.

  19. I makes me so proud to be a republican today and a woman.  This is a monumental achievement for a woman who has worked very hard at her career and and as a mother.  As the mother of 2 daughters, I know the tremendous coup this is for women.  McCain is gutsy on top of being the best candidate and true servant for our country for over 40 years.  GO McCain Palin!!  

  20. Awesome!

  21. Just think.......16 years of combined Republican leadership coming up.

  22. Yes!!  She was a GREAT pick!!  I've been reading blog sites, and the best the Dems can come up with is her lack of experience.  Yet, their NUMBER ONE candidate has even less!!  Let's see...sitting in the senate for a couple of years and making NO CHANGE...or sitting in the gov's mansion for the same amount of time and making LOTSA CHANGE!!  And she's only the second seat.  You're dang right they're running scared!!  Obama's campaign was side-swiped.  Did you see the pathetically SEXIST reaction they gave to the announcement?  And then Obama trying to (once again) distance himself from his own people?  The guy can't even run a campaign, let alone a country.

    Dear Connie W - Obama doesn't have 8 years experience in the senate.  Only 2.  Running for president the rest of the time.  Maybe you should research the background of your own candidate before ATTEMPTING to dog the competition.

  23. It was brilliant and has totally revitalized the Republican party.

  24. I think it was a bad choice. I'm not saying that because she is a woman, but because she doesn't have a lot to offer political wise.

  25. They should be! I feel that he made a very wise decision choosing her.  She has many of the same beliefs and is a wonderful conservative person.

  26. LMAO!!!!  Mayor of Wasilla just 20 months ago.  Under investigation in Alaska already.  What a joke.  Obama has it in the bag now.  Thanks McCain!!!  

  27. No, she's just another big oil GOPER. No substance. Really, not even very attractive.  

  28. 'fraid not!

    It's a silly choice. Strictly political to court Hillary voters.

    You can't tell me anyone outside of the state of Alaska would even know her name if she weren't female.

    Boy, I'll bet Romney's ticked!

  29. (This is a very funny, and amateurish, 'push poll' question. Should the answer be "No, the Democrats are not afraid of such a wonderful VP candidate"?)

    I will address the topic, however.

    First, a few of facts.

    ---John McCain has had cancer 4 times---

    ---John McCain is 72---

    ---John McCain might be a fair Presidential candidate.

    This latest decision by John McCain is one I do not agree with. I understand that he had only met her once before he decided on her for his VP pick. If I where to look for a babysitter for my children, I would probably vet that person a little closer than that that John McCain has given Mrs Palin. John McCain's chief responsibility as the Republican Party's Presidential candidate was to pick the most qualified person to take over from him should he be unable to continue holding that office.

    On that responsibility he has failed.  

    Instead, we were given Mrs. Palin as our Republican VP candidate. Cynics among us might believe that his choice was made on the belief that some women Democrats would vote for a woman no matter what her political affiliation.

    Should he die in office (and, unfortunately, the odds are that he would), we would have a gun toting, anti-abortionist, oil company loving, animal killing, mother of 5 who could not possibly devote enough time to the nation and to her children at the same time, holding worlds highest, most powerful, office. Her only other Executive experience has been as governor of Alaska for the past 2 years (pop.approx. 700,000)

    Women Democrats, those that would consider voting Republican because of Hillary's loss in the nomination, would only do so because of their long held beliefs regarding equal rights for women; they felt that this election was 'their time'. Now that there is a 'right wing version of Hillary' in place as the Republican VP nominee, any support from those Hillary supporters for the Republican has evaporated.

  30. I think McCains VP pick may be his downfall in the election. Just my .02 cents. I am democrat and I am not worried.

  31. Libs are speechless.  It'll take them 2 or 3 weeks to come up with a real good smear against Palin.

    McCain/Palin  '08  

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