
Sarah Palin said we can get more clean coal - does she know that is an oxymoron?

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There are no emission controls for "clean coal"

She wants to drill more... when all the plar bears are gone... then will it be enough?




  1. i know right.  This speech is hilarious.  I sincerely hope the RNC has responses ready cause this will be ripped apart.  And you can tell her eerieness towards McCain as well.  This is the best election ever lmfao.

  2. LoL That is so true.

  3. I'm not even sure she knows what a oxymoron is.

  4. I am know she is not to bright now after listening to her.

    Funny thing is as soon as I saw her I thought about Bush. She looks like him in terms of being caught in a headlight.

  5. Clean coal? that is stupid.

    Drilling for oil is a great idea. the bears will be fine what do they care if an oil rig is around for?

    Palin is a bimbo!

  6. Your first mistake was reading wikipedia for information.

    But, you are somewhat correct, burning coal will never be a clean process. The goal in clean coal is to reduce or eliminate sulfur & nitrogen oxides and particulates. CO2, what some believe causes the greenhouse effect, is the biggest potential hazard to the atmosphere and is also the most difficult to contain due to the high cost.

    So, while absolute clean coal is an oxymoron, the process of burning coal in a cleaner manner than what's presently done is possible & should be developed on a wide-scale basis.

    As for the polar bears, the area where drilling is proposed is virtually uninhabited. What wildlife is there can adapt.

    Edit: I hope you don't think I implied you're an idiot. I agree with you about coal being a bad idea, although that's what we have for the time being...I've read the same stuff about dwindling ice caps, but you cannot honestly say it's because of global warming, that may be your opinion/belief, but you don't know it. There are plenty of respected scientists who believe global warming doesn't exist, isn't caused by man, or that it's even harmful to the planet. So, if top scientists disagree on it, how could we possibly know? The truth is, no one knows for sure, but common sense dictates we should be mindful of what we put in our atmosphere..

  7. hahah this is horrible!


    Who you callin a moron... you look up 1 wiki and your on top of it now huh? Clean coal is a much more efficient cleaner way of using coal to create power. Maybe if you lefties would go ahead and go to Europe where they use Nuclear we could get our "clean" nuclear going hear.

    I'm sure Palin could educate you on polar bears if it's possible to educate you.

  9. By CLEAN Coal she means Coal that has not come from conflicted zones like "Blood Diamonds" (they are not diamonds with blood but diamonds where there has been Human Rights Violated) have u ever watched that movie! What happens to diamond happens to coals too. She want coals to come from legal factories where peopole are not abused and are earning more than just minimum wage. She's an incredible woman!

  10. idiot global warming isn't even happening any more.  Soon it will be global cooling again...

  11. Yes drill more, and use coal, to power the generators, that provide power to the computer you are using to ask stupid questions

  12. Will it be enough if, gosh forbid, when all the United Socialist States of America is all crumble, and nothing's left? All because our 'OMG BLACK ROCKING MESSIAH' couldn't defend us during time at war. Then will it be enough?

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