
Sarah Palin says she's going to Washington to serve the people-Does she know about the little matter of Nov 4?

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Sarah Palin says she's going to Washington to serve the people-Does she know about the little matter of Nov 4?




  1. She got a job in Washington as a waitress.  With this economy, you gotta do what you gotta do.  

  2. Obviously your tv was broken during the democratic convention.  They only said the same thing about a trillion times.  

  3. Obviously she means after she is elected.

  4. I don't understand your question.  Can you elaborate?

  5. Democrats do the same thing

    " The next President of the U.S. barrack Obama"

    Did they forget about voting as well or do you only point out things on one side and ignore the same from your party like a good little hypocritical Obama supporter?

  6. Yeah she does. She knows the American voter is not stupid enough to turn the country over to an  musslim Arab Terrorist!

    McCain/Palin '08

  7. Here is a better question!;...

  8. Oh please, Obama, Biden, and other democrats said the same thing about themselves.

    If you don't believe me, look up the DNC and watch the footage.

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