
Sarah Palin says that she doesn't even know what a VP does. How bad a pick was Palin for McCain? ?

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Video of her saying that:




  1. Bad.  This should make the election a piece of cake for Obama!

  2. Once again McCain has proven that his judgment doesn't merit voters electing him as President. By the way; what's up with Governor Palin, abusing her power to have her brother-in-law fired, as payback for her very own sister?

  3. This is another one of Karl Roves tricks!!!

    He's going to get Dems to let their gaurd down because they think there's no way in h**l that McCain can win - especially after picking such a useless running mate!!!

    Don't fall for it!!!

  4. It's a solid 3 out of 10.  She gets a point for being Gov.  A point for being a woman.  And a point for being married to an oil guy.  Those three things are sure to bring in some votes for McCain from people who think executive experience is important, Hillary supporters not willing to vote for Obama and hard-core Republicans who like the oil game.

  5. She's probably concerned she can't throw her weight around there like she's being investigated for

  6. McCain just handed over the Presidency to Obama on a silver platter.  

  7. She is only going to be VP. All she has to do is poor McCain soem coffee or get him a beer when he needs one.

  8. McCain is clueless and out of touch with reality.....could be Alzheimers setting in.

  9. Amen.  A creationist too.

    I'd love to see a woman in the White House. I would have loved to see a woman on Obama's ticket.

    But not this woman.

    Not a woman who thinks decisions about my body should be made by hateful old men in Washington.

    Not a woman who thinks science is a myth.

    Not a woman who thinks the Republican party has anything to offer besides more war, higher taxes, oil dependency, and hate.

    I am not falling for it, Senator McCain.  I'm not falling for your fricken exploitation of big company oil in and of my state.

    Because what you do not understand is that my support for Hillary was not about anatomy.  It was about values.  Hillary Clinton articulated and represented my dreams.

    You do not.  Not even with a v****a on your pathetic ticket.

    This changes nothing.

    No way.  No how.  No McCain. You are a pathetic and self-serving

    Signed Alaskan free-spirit.

  10. Even as a Democrat who is thrilled with this terrible choice by McCain, I'll give her a pass on this.  It's a trick question--nobody knows what the VP's job is.  It's one of America's longest running political jokes...

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