
Sarah Palin sold an airplane on E-Bay, or did she? What do you think of this?

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Sarah Palin never sold that airplane on E-Bay it was proven, but Mcain is going around blockbusting it in every speech when he talks about her so called prudentials.

Instead, the 23-year-old 10-seat Westwind II was sold in August 2007 for $2.1 million to a Valdez, Alaska, entrepreneur; that's about $300,000 less than a broker's asking price, according to news accounts.




  1. And Joe Biden made up this story which he told to a crowd at the University of Iowa in 2007:

    "I got elected when I was 29, and I got elected November the 7th. And on Dec. 18 of that year, my wife and three kids were Christmas shopping for a Christmas tree. A tractor-trailer, a guy who allegedly -- and I never pursued it -- drank his lunch instead of eating his lunch, broadsided my family and killed my wife instantly, and killed my daughter instantly, and hospitalized my two sons, with what were thought to be at the time permanent, fundamental injuries."

    He told another version of the story on 19 Sep 2001 at the University of Delaware when he said:

    “I got a phone call saying, ‘Your wife’s dead, your daughter’s dead.’ And I’ve only said that three times in public before. But I say it here because it’s so important for you to understand. I got one of those phone calls. It was an errant driver who stopped to drink instead of drive and hit a tractor-trailer, hit my children and my wife and killed them.”

    The problem? It is a total lie.  The State Police report indicates that the truck driver was not under the influence of alcohol.  Biden claims that there was a rumor that the driver was drunk.  That is pretty lame since he had been told by the State Police that alcohol was not involved.

    Using this tragedy for political gain is disgusting.  Biden makes we want to vomit.

    So you're surprised that a politican lied or stretched the truth?  Since the plane was listed on eBay, I don't see this as a lie.

  2. The plane was pulled from Ebay and sold to a private buyer and took a loss, yes that was true.  If she gets in as VP how long till she trys selling 1 foot square plots of the white house lawn?

    Read these and decide.

  3. Sarah said she put it on ebay, she never said it sold on ebay. I've also put things on ebay that didn't sell.

    What you're doing here is liberal spin, nothing else.  And that "asking" price is just an extra twist on the spin.

  4. No she lied about it. She put it on ebay but did not tell the whole truth that it was not sold there and no profit was made but loss  after it was sold in other ways.  

  5. She said she put it "on ebay". Reporters should think about taking remedial listening comprehension classes.

    She made a smart move. If she didn't sell it then the plane would have continued to depreciate in value.

  6. E-bay is all hype.

  7. Obama is a racist, therefore, he is trash.

    Sarah put it on e-bay but couldn't sell it. She did end up finding a buyer.

  8. They are liars. they have nothing to run on. So they engage in personal attacks and lies.

    Remember, that plane sold at a loss, she gave one of her political friends and plane at a 300K discount. She gave taxpayer dollars away to her crony. Plus, now the state of Alaska has to pay to fly her around, and pay to have their convicts transported. She made an unwise financial decision.

    Sadly, the Sarah Palin and the McCain campaign continue this lie even thought they were caught red handed. They think Conservatives are too stupid to read the facts and too devoted to care if they lie. Sad.

    BTW - She said  she "Sold it" and  she said she "Made a profit"  and she keep saying it, repeating it yesterday even after the press called her on it. She is a habitual liar.

    The person complaining about joe Biden, please provide a link. I think you are just embarrased by Palin/McCain and spreading lies. one source please.

  9. is the cost of the luxury jet still being footed by the taxpayers or not,

    that's all that really matters, and you missed the point completely!

  10. Putting it on e bay is not a LIE.  Sometimes it makes sense to cut your losses early.  Maintenance, jet fuel and pilots salary and benefits all add up and eventually will be the largest expense of owning a plane.  Ask anyone who owns one, it is an ongoing expense long after being "paid for."  

  11. ..."that's about $300,000 less than a broker's asking price, according to news accounts."

    According to whose "news" accounts? Got a link?

  12. McCain is good at stealing lines. The -bay remark got a good response so he repeats it. Obama said he stands for change, so he even stole THAT line.

    Her credentials (NOT prudentials!) are dubious.

    BTW, what has not been mentioned, is that Palin bought her OWN jet YESTERDAY, so that didn't need to be mentioned, like a LOT of other details she and McCain omitted!

  13. thats  ok  thats  about  the  discount  obama  got  on  his  house  from  his  so  called  friend  tony

  14. She is trash.  

  15. I think it's great, especially since you answered your own question.

    Sarah Palin has "prudentials"? What is that?

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