
Sarah Palin wanted Alaska to secede from the U.S.(how is she MORE patriotic than Obama?) lol?

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The party has lobbied since the 1970s for the right to hold a referendum on whether Alaska should secede from the United States. Its motto, "Alaska First", contrasts sharply with the John McCain campaign slogan: "Country First."

It seeks "the complete repatriation of the public lands, held by the federal government, to the state and people of Alaska" and aims to be "self-sufficient" by using profits from Alaskan oil and gas resources. It claims that the vote held in 1958 which led to Alaska becoming the 49th state of the US was corrupt and did not offer a proper choice.

While it is thought that Mrs Palin officially left the party to become a Republican in 1996, she recorded an address for its convention earlier this year in which she said: "I share your party's vision of upholding the constitution of our great state" and told members to "keep up the good work".

Lynette Clark, the chairman of the Alaskan Independence Party (AIP), confirmed to ABC News that Mrs Palin and her husband Todd had both been both members and attended at least one party convention.

"When she joined the party our platform was right under her nose," Mrs Clark said. "I can't understand why in God's name she has aligned herself with a candidate who opposes the development of our republic and Alaska's resource wealth," she added.




  1. Seems there are parallels here with South Ossetia who also wanted independence  -  but they were shelled by Georgia - and trained by Bush military advisors.

    Meanwhile McCain's chief foreign policy advisor is tied in with Georgia government  -  and being paid by them.

    There's a huge contradiction here.

  2. Yet another thing she did not disclose to McCain this woman's closet is full of insightful things.

    This is becoming a trait with the republicans bad information or lie, leads to a paramount decision that blows up in their face. They need new leadership badly. I wonder how FOX news is going to spin this one.

  3. that was 1970, we are voting in the year 2008. i hope ideas and attitudes have changed in over 30 years.

    The dems are really getting their panties in a wad over Palin.

    Obama will lose badly, with or with her on the ticket.

    How sad they only have themselves to blame for only producing a paper candidate. Thans dems for only giving me and millions of other independents something to vote AGAINST once more.  

  4. Palin has been registered as a Republican since she became eligible to vote in 1982.  she has never been a member of the Alaska Independence Party.

  5. Oh stop, you didn't even know Alaska was a state until you saw the news about Palin.

  6. Palin is just too radical. She's not fit for public office.

  7. It is just another in a growing list of reasons not to vote for this ticket. It certainly goes to show Mr. McCain's did a poor job of vetting her. If he wants to make this election about judgment this would seem to show his judgment has not been the greatest.

  8. Obama certainly doesn't.  He wants to turn me into a slave laborer.  The more the merrier, is his motto.  "Change that we can SPEND".  

  9. Palin is FOS and she knows it. Were AK to become an independent country and reponsible for it's own defense , the cost of that defense to the average Alaskan would immediatley make them as poor  as the poorest of Africans are.

  10. This, and her far-right, extremist fundamentalism are really the only things that America needs to know about her.

  11. How are they going to spin this one?  I don't think they can.  

    McCain, your weakness for young women has cost you the campaign

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