Why is the Republican Party Sensationalizing Bristol Palins's pregnancy for their Stance on Abortion?
The Jamie Lynn Spears And Juno effect is clearly taking over today's young teenagers
Im not against Pro Life at all, but when you make it seem that there was no other choice, as if birth control pills, the patch, and condoms don't exist and the only options are to have s*x unprotected or abstinence, thats where i have the problem. How dare you Republican Party to Glamorize Sarah Palins Daughters preganacy, as if its the cool thing to do.
A lot of young girls look up to people in the spot light, the only difference is they may not be rich, and once they get pregnant and decide to have the baby who's gonna take care Sarah Palins Staff
Wake up America If this continues We will a whole epidemic of teenage mothers on the System and the dropout rates are going to be higher, once those teenage mothers realize that their teenage boyfriend s don't want children at that age want are they going to do
-And I'm not paying for that are you?