
Sarah palin against s*x ed at school?

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is it true that sarah palin is against s*x education at schools?

i heard that on the news. if so then thats so stupid, thats taking conservatism to the extreme.

and how ironic is it that she has a 17 yr old unmarried, pregnant daughter. maybe if she'd learnt about condoms she would not be in the predicament she is in now.




  1. It's absoluty crazy not to teach s*x ed in school.

    I'm about to be a mother and could never teach my daughter about her reproductive systems. I'm just not knowledgable enough in that field.

    Yeah i can tell her about condoms etc etc but that isn't enough.

    And the fact that she has a pregnant daughter, just makes her opinion on s*x ed laughable!

    It's not my right to judge the daughter, I really don't care she's pregnant, but her mum should realise that s*x ed is needed in schools.

    Some parents have no interest in their kids, so how will those kids learn?

  2. This has been well documented and discussed.  It is not attacking her daughter because this is a national issue that should be discussed.  Palin is the epitome of the politician with contradictions.

  3. It's very nice how you come to her defense Lex, but 749,999 of those teens moms do not get on tv talking about immoral behavior, nor do they vote to cut funding for any other s*x education aside from abstinence only education.  Also, cut the personal business bull, she is a public figure, and if it was such a private matter, why the h**l did she even mention it?

  4. i agree with you

    with out s*x ed, da women could end up like her daughter

    17 and pregnant or even younger

  5. The schools dont seem to teach about condoms they only teach abstinence.

  6. s*x Education does not belong in schools.  Parents can teach s*x education but they cannot make choices for their children when hormones are raging.

  7. how dare you talk about her personal life like that. you don't know their situation.  at seventeen years old, any teenager knows how to use a condom, whether she took s*x ed or not.  

    750,000 seventeen year old girls get pregnant every year*. and i can guarantee you that over half of them have gone through s*x ed.  if kids want to have s*x, they are going to do it whether teachers are telling them to or not.

    and another thing, how do you know that her daughter wasn't using a condom? you don't.

    so stay out of her life and focus on her politics.

  8. At home too, it appears.

  9. She wants s*x ed out and creationism in.

  10. s*x ed should not be at school.  it is the parents responsibility.

    oh, leave the daughter alone,.  like you were perfect at 17. it is her life not your.

  11. One has to be an idiot if he/she thinks that kids will never find out about s*x or engage in sexual activities, even if he/she  is taught abstinence only in school. A caring and descent parent would make sure that his/her son/daughter is well informed even if they think that the child will not engage in s*x. I grew up in a Christian home in Baton Rouge, LA  and I was drilled on a daily basis from the time I was 12 years old by my parents to not fornicate. They never spoke to me about condoms, but my friends, movies and magazines hipped me to the ins and outs of the condoms. I did not engage in s*x until I was 19 years old and though my parents never told me of condoms, I knew to use one thanks to my friends. Bristol probably wanted to use a condom, but with what we know of  Mrs. Sarah Palin, she probably would not allow the stores in her state to sell condoms.  

  12. Sarah Palin is so backwards: by being ignorant she is excused!

    Isn't that what we say when someone doesn't know any better...that they are ignorant?

  13. It's very ironic.

    She's all for only teaching 'abstinence'. Well, it worked for her children, didn't it? Or not.

  14. those who live in glass houses . . .

  15. HA!

    thats stupid.

    there are going to be so many stupid women that will vote for mccain simply because of a hot vice president. thats "strong" O.o

    I think all that do, probably must share a braincell.

    sadly.. My wife is one of them o.O

  16. Maybe if she listened to her mother that abstinence is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and the spread of STD's she wouldn't be in the position she is now.

    My parents talked to me about s*x when I became a teenager.  They ran the whole spectrum from "safe s*x" to abstinence.  Then Dad reasserted his authority over his househod and let it be known that his house wasn't abstinence only; it was abstinence or else!

    s*x-ed as curriculum doesn't work.  Abstinence only education doesn't work.  Abstinence does.

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