
Sarah palin for vp? wtf mccain?

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are you kidding me?look i understand why hes picking her,shes younger,shes really,really,reeeeeaalllllly conservative. but she has no foreign policy experience,none! barack has tons compared to her. if mccain dies(and dont get pissed at me,its a possibility that he may die) she gets to be in charge,can we really trust a lifelong member of the nra who has no experience at all to run the country?




  1. She is Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska Army & Air National Guard.

  2. Exactly, you're right.

    I think McCain has placed his urge to win above the fact should something happen to him, WE'RE the ones left with the person who is quite possibly the WORST VP pick McCain could have chose.

  3. Sara Palin had more experience being mayor in Alaska, then Obama has right now. So I think she is going to surprise alot of people. I'm behind her 100%. You go Sara show these bozo's what your made of. Democrat for John McCain 2008.

  4. That's why it's a joke.  No foreign policy, believe science should be taken out of schools.  Nothing more then an Right wing nut case

  5. amen!  he would have had a better chance picking his nose.  i think he has just given up.

  6. Naw

  7. Nope.  Plain and simple.  We are doomed if he wins.

  8. i agree. im for Obama but it could have been at least someone we know are trust. she comes out of no were. she probably never been out of Alaska

  9. McCain isn't thinking that far. Senator Obama is looking at the long term: "In 10 years, we will finally end our dependence on oil from the Middle East." even though he can only be in a decision making role for a maximum of 8 years, his concern is for the state America's future; while Senate McCain is only looking at November 4th with picking someone who may only help him win and NOTHING else.

    Now everyone knows what Senator Biden said about Sen. Obama last year; and even with that Sen. Obama chose him because he believes that Sen. Biden is actually great for the country and not just for the sake of winning the election.

  10. Obama's only foreign policy knowledge is either from his terrorist/muslim friends, or from he "I am the man of the World" tour of Europe!  

    Palin is running for VP, so she's not expected to be the expert in everything.  Obama is running for PRESIDENT, and he has less experience then Palin when it comes to everything else.  Do some reading, find the information on her, and then complain.  You'll see she'll be very good at this job!

    Also, she has a son in Iraq right now, in the infantry.  She's been to Iraq to visit the troups!  She has 100% more military experience than Obama!

  11. I think McCain just made it easier to find out who's not voting for Obama, because he's black. To tell you the truth I couldn't be more happier with McCain's pick, because it shows he just cares about himself and not the country.

  12. I would rather have Palin as President than Obama.

  13. I wish he was kidding. The possibility of having someone move up to be president who can't even find Iraq on a map much less doesn't follow what is going on in that part of the world---by her own admission---is scary. On a domestic front she wants creationism taught in the schools. Nothing like adding another hot botton topic like abortion to side track us from what REALLY needs doing here.

  14. I couldn't have said it better myself. Nobody wants McCain to die but he is old and, God forbid, if it did happen the next POTUS would be someone who admittedly hasn't been keeping up with the war in Iraq. Unsettling to say the least.

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