
Sarcastic nicknames for rude coworker?

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Okay so here's the deal.

There's this guy I work with. He likes to get in everyone's business. He's a self-appointed micro-manager. He also has horrendous hygeine and B.O. (We work in food service so this is more of an issue than it would be otherwise.)

Some of us at work are trying to come up with a compilation of things to address him with when he gives us arbitrary orders.


Him: "Your order is over twenty minutes old! You should bla bla bla"

Me: "Yeah, thanks for the advice, Chief!"

So basically anything

-that you would call someone in charge of you

(chieftain, commander, lieutenant, skipper, my liege, mein fuhrer, kaiser)

-names of goofy/creepy/annoying/dirty boy characters from pop culture

(charlie brown, opie, linus, pig-pen, gomer)

-any good synonyms for inbred rednecks




  1. I'd just go into work complaining about the smell of rotten food somewhere, and then search all around near where he's standing. Then repeat whenever he's within 10 feet... he'll get the idea and it'll ruin his mood and confidence.

  2. call him your name.

    biggest insult ever cuz ur name must be g*y.

  3. Potholes (everyone avoids them)

    Whiff (as in get a whiff of him)

  4. "princess" or "cupcake" for a guy.

  5. I had a boss that we used to call Little Miss Sunshine and Debbie Downer because she never failed to ruin the mood in any and every situation

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