
Sardinia - Thinking of going on holiday.?

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Thinking of going on holiday to Sardinia and was wandering whic part of the island is the best to stay? I don't want to stay in a real touristy area, but then I don't want to stay in the middle of nowhere either. The main thing I would like to be near, is a fantastic sandy beach with clear water. I would also like somewhere with lots of historical sites to visit, and a good transport system so I can get around, as I won't be hiring a car.

Hope you can help!




  1. Sorry Katrina I know nothing about Sardinia. But I did want to tell you to have a fantastic holiday you lucky girl.

  2. south is better

  3. hI!I'm italian i think you can search on google.

    i can't help you but i can say that there is beautiful beach and also the sea but Sardegna is very very very exspensive!!!!!



  4. You need to go to Santa Teresa di Gallura, at the northern tip.  The Rena Bianca is BEAUTIFUL.  Go out to the island (by walking on the rocks) and you can get an all over tan, and swim nude to your heart's content.  I lived there for 3 1/2 years.  Sit on the Piazza eating ice cream, sipping a drink and watch the touristi.  Bus service is good.  You can go over to Palau (movie THE SPY WHO LOVED ME was partially filmed there..the car that drove off the pier and turned into a 'sub' was filmed in Palau).  Stop in at Guido's in Palau.   Catch the bus to Costa Smeralda on the west coast.  Beautiful town!  In Palau you might be able to meet some American sailors.  U.S. nuclear subs stop out on Santo Stefano at the U.S Navy base.  There are U.S. Navy stationed on LaMaddalena, too.  And there's the U.S. Navy Shore Patrol HQ in Palau on the main street.

    You can catch a ferry over to Corsica for a day trip from Santa Teresa (my house overlooked the harbor at #6 Via Tevere)

    In August when it got really hot, we'd drive out to Tempio and up to Mt. Limbara to the US Airforce station on the the upper 70's.

    South of Santa Teresa is Rena Majore.  If you go over the rocks south of Rena Majore, there's a HUGE beach where at the end near the rocks you can sun in the nude and no one will bother you.  My family and a shipmate's family got our all over tans there.  There's beautiful clear water, a clean beach, diving...

    You can hire a local taxi driver to take you around at a set price.

    Buona fortuna!

  5. North Sardinia! I'm Italian...You have to go to Costa Smeralda! It's gorgeous! Sardinia is waiting for am I!!!

  6. we stopped there on our cruise last year,and from what we saw we said if we ever won the lotto thats where we would go,its a gorgeous place,fabulous coastline and everything,but we arent all the same and everyones opinions different.

  7. I lived in LaMaddalena, Sardinia, Italy for 2 years!  (USN spouse)  (Our house overlooked the bay where some of the last photos were taken of her boating shortly before her death.)

    LaMaddalena is a good place to visit -- ideally rent a boat or hire one for the day (or two) -- and you can travel around to the unique and isolated beaches!  However, there are not a lot of historical sites on the island.  If you decide to go to this area - be sure to eat dinner at San Giorgio's in Palau (mainland Sardinia) - and have the salt crusted fish (not as salty as it sounds) and Profiteroli (Magnifico!).  

    From northern Sardinia (LaMaddelena, Olbia, Alghero) to southernmost Sardinia (Cagliari - the capital) is about the 275 miles.  However, the roads are often narrow and sometimes in less than ideal repair - so don't expect to travel that distance in 5 hours.  It's more like a full day's drive!

    ThomasOnTravel has some excellent advice.

    Alghero is lovely and has some very historical sites (Catalan Spanish influence).  Castelsardo (along the coastal road not too far east from Alghero) is also very quaint.  

    Costa Smeralda/Porto Cervo  is lovely, but it is more expensive -- by the same token, it can be a pretty good spot to see American celebs on vacation.  Canangioni is my favorite little town and has beautiful beaches.  

    Cagliari - as the Capital of Sardinia, is the largest city and probably has some of the most historical sites and museums (although I did not travel there - some friend said they loved it!).

    Sardinia is much more rustic and relatively low population compared to much of mainland Italy.  Also, the beaches, while beautiful tend not to be as "lush" as American beaches.  I remember one family saying that their little girl kept talking about "how soft the sand was" when they moved from Sardinia to San Diego.  However, the Mediterranean is BEAUTIFUL!  They blues are just out of site -- and the water is so clear you can see down 30-40 feet easily!

    The trick to avoid a "real touristy area" is NOT to go in August!  The whole island is crowded with lots of people in August and it is a little crazy because everyone is taking their vacation.  I would recommend June (although the water can still be pretty cool) July is not too bad -- a little more crowded, but not as bad as August.  I would not recommend going any time after the first week or two of September (nearly deserted because that's when the Sardinians take a break following their busy month).  

    Sardinia doesn't have as developed a "transport system" as mainland Italy. Some areas have access to bus, but you do not always get to see as much of the countryside as if you drive, and you can stop and see the rural churches, etc.  However, if you depending on how long you want to stay, and your touring preferences -- if you just want to immerse yourself in a town - many of these areas can be covered on foot in a day or two.

    If you are traveling from UK to Sardinia - try Ryan Air out of Stansted - You won't get a lux flight - but the $$$ are good!!  That is how we traveled to the Scotland 3 times while we lived on Sardinia.

  8. This has been a toughy!!

    Trying to get a good combination of a nice touristy area and a nice sandy beach proved a challenge, however I think I have found something.

    The resorts of Baia Sardinia and Alghero in the North of Sardinia prove popular with alot of our customers.

    Baia Sardinia boasts stunning white sandy beaches whilst only being 4km away from the bustling fishing town of Alghero.

    Alghero hosts a busy harbour whilst behind the impressive defense towers that were once knocked down then re-built lies the cathedral and a couple of churches, while narrow paved and cobbled streets lead beneath washing and shuttered windows to attractive little squares that are filled with life in the mornings and early evenings. The harbour immediately outside the walls is busy with fishing and pleasure boats. The paved, landscaped esplanade and area along the Lido is lined with typical trattorias and makes for pleasant strolls, taking in the fine sea views.

    Depending on your budget and how many people are going, if you don't want to pay too much then Alghero will be ideal as its accommodations range from £350-£600pp.

    Baia Sardinia is the more up-market end prices ranging fro £550-£1000pp.

    A nice accommodation in Alghero that Thomson offer as part of there Small & Friendly brochure is the Riviera Hotel. It's a 3star Half Board property, and because I didn't know what dates you have planned I have been on and looked at the 12th July with flights from Gatwick.

    It comes up at £483pp.

    Just to add on about the transport in Alghero, local buses are Orange that as far as the airport and blue buses run long distances.

    All must be booked in advance from a kiosk or or the office on Via Catalogna.

    The service is cheap and comprehensive.

    If you want anymore information about Sardinia of want to get some prices on more accomodation and holidays please don't hesitate to contact us on 0845 071 3041.

    The number is for the Thomson Kings Lynn branch who if you speak to one of our travel advisors will be happy to help.

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