
Sarkozy praises Israel as the 1 place where Jews will never be forced to wear a yellow patch/banned on buses??

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Was that deliberately designed to be taken 2 ways?

Is he saying EU is thinking @ such anti-semitic persecution & giving Jews a warning to leave EU - or else?

What @ the clear Bible prophecy that the Lord will draw every single Jew on Earth back to the Promised Land of Geesis 12 & 15 etc?

Is Sarkozy maybe endorsing endtime Bible prophecies like Jeremiah 31 & Ezekiel 36 that Israel is the Holy Land & never to be attacked?

Is He admitting that the true Sovereign over all creation is the Almighty Creator, whose Word far outranks any human laws?

Is he, Churchill-like, calling the world to pray because human Govt can't solve men's problems & crises & predicaments?

Is he saying that the Exodus 23 & Leviticus 23 calls to all citizens to spend time together praying & worshipping God are permanent ordinances?

& that The 'Enlightenment' was in fact rebellion against God & we all need to repent of the decadence so clearly prophesied in Romans 1:18-32? -




  1. It's political bollocks....jews have never been forced to wear yellow stars or banned from buses except in German Occupied countries during the n**i Israel isn't  the only 'one place,' is it?

  2. Just politics! Anti-Jewish attacks are on the rise in France (in particular regions). You also have to take it into consideration in what context he said that.


    Where exactly did you read that --- can't find it anywhere.

  3. No, it was just a rhetorical flourish on his part during a speech about Israel's right to exist.  Stop it with the endtimes nonsense already!

    Here's what he said:

    'This friendship was clear throughout the first part of his speech, when Sarkozy spoke about the Jews´ longing for a state of their own, and their historical right to such a state. This is also no small thing for the president of France - a country which in a few days will take over the rotating presidency of the EU - to say at a time when more and more voices in Europe are wondering aloud whether Israel really does have a right to exist.

    'Sarkozy had an answer to those who would deny the Jews a right to a state: "The State of Israel is the answer to the injustice which was the lot of the Jewish people for such a long time. That injustice is a challenge to the universal conscience."

    'Israel, Sarkozy said, giving powerful voice to the impact that the Holocaust and traditional European anti-Semitism has had on his thinking, is the "only place in the world where everyone is sure that Jews will never have to wear a yellow star, where Jews will not be prohibited from riding buses, going to cinema or theater or holding certain jobs, where they will not be forced to live only in Jewish neighborhoods or only go to Jewish restaurants, stores or schools." '

  4. no , he is saying that the public trransport system in Israel is Jewish .

  5. Hi,

    It would be more helpful if you provided a link to an actual news article instead of a link to searching on Google.

    So, here it is:

    It seems to me that he is referring to a historical context. That it used to be common in the middle ages in Europe and under the n***s in modern times that Jews were forced to wear a "yellow star" or discriminated against.


    No, I am quite aware of rising anti semetic incidents in Europe and that includes France.

    I just don't think that that was what Sarkozy was referencing.

    Of course, the article doesn't provide the actual quote nor the text of the entire speech so we both have very little to go on.

  6. I think you're reading too much into it.

  7. No country do that except Hitlers Germany before and during WW2. Hitler tried to enforce this rule in Bulgaria, which was pro German at the time so the whole population of Bulgaria put on the yellow badge so that not one Jew was ever deported  from that country.

  8. I think the Jews are safe for now

    they attacked one of USA's ships in 1967 (USS Liberty), and nobody was allowed to talk about it

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