
Sasquatch believers?

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do you believe in him ?




  1. Sasquatch/ Yeti ?  I believe that there probably is. There has yet to be the link between man and ape as in a Upright walking ape. Even gorillas dont do that for long amounts of time. So it could be possible.

  2. No.

  3. Yeah...I mean, its like a big monkey. Not too out-there, you know?

  4. HEY!!!

    stop making fun of my uncle >:[

  5. you bet!!!

    I would love to come face to face with one someday

  6. yes i do

    i mean, its not like its a 6 legged 10 foot wide 100 foot tall squid that sprays orange juice into people's faces right?

    hes just a very large hairy solitary creature that is like a very big ape or a native homosapien.

    not too crazy.

  7. yes i do :

    his name is Zena and he went to my school last year

  8. Don't know yet.

    Not enough hard physical evidence has been found to identify him as a possible primate species living in North America.

  9. if he dont exist today he did walk the earth once. archaeologists have dug up skeletal remains of what they refer to as gigantopithicus

    as for the girl below me, perfect example they never thought "giant" squid existed. then after they proved they do exist and have even found a LARGER variety they have since dubbed "colossal squid" no lie.

  10. Yes I do!

    I know there's no proof to prove he's real but these days we all believe in crazy things!

  11. I don't believe in god, but I believe in bigfoot.

  12. Kinda, depends

  13. yes no wait no i mean yes but no or yes no? no yes? IDK

  14. yes. I believe he is an animal who has existed for a very long time. Or an unknown animal.

  15. I am not sure but i live where it is suppose to be one..My sister says she seen one  at one time..Who knows i am a skeptic til i see it..

  16. no, not really.

    i just think people dress up like him... :/

  17. yes I totally do. how can you ignore the evedence? footprints sightings even poo.

  18. I've seen him.

  19. no. i don't but i'll ask the guys that walk around after dark without flashlights that smell to high heaven.if they do.beating on trees all nite hooten &hollering all nite .can't let anybody get any sleep .

  20. Hahahahhahahahahaha......oh gosh.... hahahahahahaha.... uh, not here. Nope.

  21. Sure - more evidence than the existence of God.
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