
Sat II biology score?

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is a 770 a solid score for the biology SATII subject test? i was a freshman when i sat for it and that test was the first SAT/ACT-type exam i had ever taken. thanks so much!




  1. In terms of admissions to any school, Ivy or not, a 770 is a great score. Most Ivies look at 750+ as the norm for students being accepted to their universities. According to the Percentiles and Averages Sheet on the SAT Score Report (on the back), a 770 is in the 96th percentile for Ecological Biology and an 87th percentile for Molecular Biology (the sheet states E-Biology has 800=99 and 750=94, while it states M-Biology has 800=98 and 750=87, it doesn't give the in between scores so I estimated). On top of that, the average score for Ecological Biology is a 589, while Molecular Biology has an average of 630. To top that off, colleges will see the date you took the exam, which was freshman year, and will be extremely impressed. A 770 in Biology any year is good, but a 770 freshman year is phenominal. If I were you, I would be looking at the Ivies, Stanford, and MIT (who actually requires an SAT Subject Test in Science, giving you a huge advantage over most applicants who would score low on science). Good job and good luck.

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