
Sat question about NYU please guide me! i need info?

by Guest33223  |  earlier

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I took the SAT for the first time in june and i got a 560 in reading 610 in math and 640 on writing. IS this good enough for NYU. I am willing to take the SAT over in october. HOw much do i need to improve to get into NYU. IS it even possible? and what suggestions can you tell me of how to improve? Thanks




  1. Good job on your SAT's! If I were you I would retake them just so they can be superscored, meaning if you get a higher score on one section that will void out the previous score. You could only improve!

    The average SAT scores are as follows:

    Critical Reading: 620-710

    Math: 620-720

    Writing: 620-710

    NYU listed these as being important to their college admission choices.

    66% were in the top tenth of their class rank

    93% in the top quarter

    99% in the top half

    Your grade point average is typically calculated by your guidance counselors and would be difficult for you to calculate if it was weighted. I have a 91 average too, and mine is around a 3.33ish because of my school's weighted system. I'm not sure what it would be unweighted. You should also check with your guidance counselor to determine your class rank, another important piece of information to know in your college search.

    Extra- curricular activities consist of voluntary programs  that you are involved in; sports and social. For example, you would list cross country team and yearbook committee, but not things like band or choir.

    I hope this helps you, good luck getting into NYU! :)

  2. I'm not so sure that's good enough to get into NYU. Your math and writing scores are fine, but I would improve the reading. Try to get about 600 in each section.

    A 91% average is not exactly the best. How do you rank in your class and your grade?

    Extra-curricular activities are sports and clubs. Actually, the only ones that really count are ones that you participate in often, and actually lead. Leadership is a very important skill and asset that most colleges look for. Anyone can join a club, but not anyone can lead.

    I.E. I may be in Science club, but if I suck and never show up and never compete, it won't help. Try to excel in a few clubs/sports, and not join all. :)

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